place to stay for 2008

What is the exact location for NXPO 08 in Portland, or is it outside, Canby, Salem? Woodburn? They all are so close to eachother.
Wow some eager beavers!The organizing region will set aside blocks of rooms at group rates, as we near the event all of that is revealed and there is plenty of time to reserve.
Portland can be a busy city I think some one should make a decision on place to stay so we can start getting reservations.
When the event planners sign a contract with a hotel, they do so by blocking off enough rooms so that everyone attending the event from out of town can stay there. The only ones who have ever not been able to make reservations as part of the block have been those trying to do so at the last minute, after the block expired, typically about three weeks before the actual event. I'm sure this year will be no different.
Please note that the CDNs are coming to Portland. It looks like we are putting our cars on long haulers; who need to drive across the country when you can drink?
Let's just get Rick to get an Air Canada jet for us Toronto-Portland. Then we can start drinking on the way out there! :)
I'd like to suggest an option for Embassy Suites since they have a great free happy hour and breakfast.:wink:
The club has chosen ES in the past:biggrin: Free breakfast( the cost of which is probably hidden in thier room rates) is a good reason to get up early!
That is excellent!:smile: You are probably correct with your assumption that the cost for the breakfast and happy hour cocktails are buried in the room rate, but it is still nice to have that available.

Often times I will run down and get a plate of goodies to bring back to the room. Then you can eat at your leisure.