Ping Pong MATRIX !

old news mebbe, but ive never seen it before. thanks for the link, that was amazing, ive seen the show here japan but nothing that well executed! ;)
thanks for posting this....i've received this on email this morning but deleted it without viewing....i normally delete most of the forwarded email from friends....

i guess i pay a lot more attention to things when they're posted on prime.:)
hahaha... thanx for thinking of me Joel. :D

funny, people see "Neo" in my username and think i'm a die-hard matrix fan (i dont even own the DVD!) ... maybe i could be a neo-nazi or something (hence my admiration for the forums nazi)

...hmm... on second thoughts, call me a matrix fan... i dont like nazi's, except the one who taught us our best friend is the "search". :D
i did Mr.Wolf, but being on a computer at my school i am unable to download stuff directly, not allowed you see ;) the windows media link was direct and non-fuss, 'was' ;)