Picture Viewing Suggestion

1 February 2008
Southern CA
Just wanted to say, I love "cruising" this forum and reading about my most favorite car!! However, for some reason, over the past, I'd say year, the new picture viewer within discussions doesn't work very well. Not sure if it's because I use a Mac and Firefox?

I use Firefox to view, and it seems when I click to view a picture of a car, then click the back button, it doesn't work. On my tab, there is a constant "connecting" going on. To go back a page, I have to click on the "return" arrow drop down and select the picture page. Sometimes I don't have to do this, but most of the time I do.

Also, if you can upgrade the picture view to maybe something like AutoTrader or Ebay uses it would help. Seems when folks add pictures to their discussion, when the sizes are different, the screen size changes and so does the "next" or "previous" button. So if you're not paying attention and click where you expect the next button to be, you might miss and close the entire screen.

Yeah the built-in picture viewer isn't the best, but unfortunately I don't have much control over it as the site runs on a retail software package, not something I can reasonably customize at that level. Some browsers do work better than others with various functions so if you think the current FF on MacOS might be giving a worse experience than you had in the past, maybe try a different browser.