Ortega Hwy?
Looks great!
(94 is the best yr btw):tongue:
Wow. That looks great! How are you going to smog that thing?
Some don't like the look of that charger,I am NOT one of them !!!
That obtrusive look is exactly what I like about it,It is IN YOUR FACE !!
What I was told by Mike at Autowave was to change those hose clamps to turbo clamps.It could be a safety concern.
Where did you purchase the Gruppe M?
BTW Great looking car.
whats ur final HP and at what boost??? Does it pass smoglike the comptech??????
is it just me (i'm just noticing it now) but that front HONDA emblem looks TINY???
Very nice... now it has the bite to go with the bark Just how obstructive is it along with the r wing?
Some don't like the look of that charger,I am NOT one of them !!!
That obtrusive look is exactly what I like about it,It is IN YOUR FACE !!