Here are some pics I was able to scrounge together from around the internet from the first PCA track day of the year at PIR.
As their was some confusion I'll further note that this was the day after the official inaugural grand opening ceremony and parade laps (which I missed out on but you can watch the you tube video here to behold the in-car excitement from that day). I'm sure there is a lap by lap well-narrated review on one of the exotic web forums.
It was wet in the morning, but dried out by noon. A unique mix of sports cars, race cars, bikes, trucks, open wheels, CSR's, Americans, Imports.... all took to enjoy the new pavement and community asset... a success all around and the smell of victory for FOPIR and all local motorsports enthusiasts!!!
Not forgetting pics of my new TitaniumDave - Baxter Auto Parts Supply 103db exhaust system......
Other very cool, unique mix of sport and race cars...
Open wheels and tube:
Full slide deck here:
As their was some confusion I'll further note that this was the day after the official inaugural grand opening ceremony and parade laps (which I missed out on but you can watch the you tube video here to behold the in-car excitement from that day). I'm sure there is a lap by lap well-narrated review on one of the exotic web forums.
It was wet in the morning, but dried out by noon. A unique mix of sports cars, race cars, bikes, trucks, open wheels, CSR's, Americans, Imports.... all took to enjoy the new pavement and community asset... a success all around and the smell of victory for FOPIR and all local motorsports enthusiasts!!!
Not forgetting pics of my new TitaniumDave - Baxter Auto Parts Supply 103db exhaust system......
Other very cool, unique mix of sport and race cars...
Open wheels and tube:
Full slide deck here:
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