Picking up my NSX in the morning

7 January 2010
Phoenix, Arizona
I can't sleep I'm so excited. It's a '93, red/blk, 62k miles. I'm actually looking fwd to the 6 hour drive home!

Stopped at Science of Speed yesterday. Was really impressed with Chris and crew--made me feel lucky to live in Phoenix. Lots of awesome NSXs in the shop. They let me do doughnuts in all of them. Not really. I booked a week to have my tb/wp etc done.
Congrats, Welcome to the world of NSX the best car you will ever own. just wait till you get your first " I love your car" from someone, red lights look out cuz your gonna be talking to alot of people now.

I couldnt sleep either before I got mine, drove from Florida to North Carolina, got a hotel cuz we got there after 6pm, had to wait all night till morning, actually got there before the place was open, Great feeling.

My next great Feeling is driving to Vegas for the NSXPO 2010, I scared though My cars gonna get scratched or something. or even worse stolen..

Goodluck and when you get home take pics, and tell us your adventurous Story home, Im sure it will be great.
Congrats on your purchase!:smile: I looked at and drove that car for another Prime member and it is a diamond in the rough. A little TLC and it will really nice.

BTW, I would also have the leaky cam plugs replaced, new air and fuel filters, a valve adjustment and all the fluids flushed. Basically a 60K service with the TB/WP. Then you are good to go with mechanicals.

Oh and when you work on that center console, send your CCU to BrianK for a rebuild. He has a link to his website with instructions in his signature.

Enjoy Yourself!
Have fun - enjoy the adventure. Sounds like you have a nice one! Take care - NSXs are easy to drive and very comfy on long trips. I drove mine home from Houston to Atlanta via a pit stop in Nashville. Pictures and the full story when you get home! Bon Voyage!
your bringing back old memories when i got mine in 2008, congrats and many pics pics pics
They let me do doughnuts in all of them. Not really.


You ate in their cars???????????
Had a blast driving it home--my GPS took me from Escondido up the 15, then east, along twisty back roads (74, or 274?) to Palm Springs. I've done that route on my motorcycle, but it was just as much fun in the NSX. What a car!! Tbromley, you said it: no sore butt even after hours without stopping. Today I took it to work and had fun showing it off to a few car guys I know. I don't want to subject it to much rush hour traffic, so I'll be taking the daily driver (a modded Solara) tomorrow; what a bummer that will be to leave the X in the garage.

Big_D, the seller took a long time to get the title situation resolved. Every time I thought about giving up and starting my search over, I thought of your "diamond in the rough" comment you made. Thanks for strengthening my resolve. I'm having SoS do all the work you mention; maybe the CCU, too.

I'm trying to attach a pic, but I'm pretty thick re: computers. It might not work.

Thanks to Prime for getting me hooked on these cars.


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does that thing take corners great or what, congrats and nice color choice as well.
Any controllers on prime? I'm at KSAT. No NSX yet.

You fly a P180 captainjman? We get them occasionally. Sweet planes.
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Had a blast driving it home--my GPS took me from Escondido up the 15, then east, along twisty back roads (74, or 274?) to Palm Springs. I've done that route on my motorcycle, but it was just as much fun in the NSX. What a car!! Tbromley, you said it: no sore butt even after hours without stopping. Today I took it to work and had fun showing it off to a few car guys I know. I don't want to subject it to much rush hour traffic, so I'll be taking the daily driver (a modded Solara) tomorrow; what a bummer that will be to leave the X in the garage.

Big_D, the seller took a long time to get the title situation resolved. Every time I thought about giving up and starting my search over, I thought of your "diamond in the rough" comment you made. Thanks for strengthening my resolve. I'm having SoS do all the work you mention; maybe the CCU, too.

I'm trying to attach a pic, but I'm pretty thick re: computers. It might not work.

Thanks to Prime for getting me hooked on these cars.

Carl - that is one beautiful car man - before I enlarged the picture I thought the wheels were stockers - but they look great - really makes the car look so good. You know wheels don't usually do that much for me but those are really nice. So what happened to the stock wheels ? Did you get any OEM parts with the car. I was loaded down like a pack mule when I made my trip which really was kind of a bummer. I also send a pile home by UPS! I had old exhaust systems and headers - all the stock wheels, wooly seat covers, why I kept the old stock headers I'll never know - they are only good for boat anchors - I mean. I was glad to get to Nashville after that mornings start in Houston - that was one long drive for me but my butt wasn't sore.

Glad you made it - got in some twisties. I'll have to go back and review the entries to figure out what you're having to do for the car. It looks great - paint is shiny! Nice- welcome brother! :wink:
I'm glad you were persistant and were able to finish the deal. I know that after you get the maintenence up to date that you will be really glad you got it. There are fewer and fewer nice early cars left on the road.

The back way from Temecula to Palm Springs you took is a hoot. There is a viewpoint before you drop down into the valley that has awesome views of the area. You can even see the Salton Sea from there on a clear day.

I agree with your sentiments about not daily beating the car. It's such a special vehicle that it deserves to be treated better. Plus its a treat for you when you do get to drive it.

Enjoy Yourself!

P.S. see you at NSXPO in Vegas :smile:

Had a blast driving it home--my GPS took me from Escondido up the 15, then east, along twisty back roads (74, or 274?) to Palm Springs. I've done that route on my motorcycle, but it was just as much fun in the NSX. What a car!! Tbromley, you said it: no sore butt even after hours without stopping. Today I took it to work and had fun showing it off to a few car guys I know. I don't want to subject it to much rush hour traffic, so I'll be taking the daily driver (a modded Solara) tomorrow; what a bummer that will be to leave the X in the garage.

Big_D, the seller took a long time to get the title situation resolved. Every time I thought about giving up and starting my search over, I thought of your "diamond in the rough" comment you made. Thanks for strengthening my resolve. I'm having SoS do all the work you mention; maybe the CCU, too.

I'm trying to attach a pic, but I'm pretty thick re: computers. It might not work.

Thanks to Prime for getting me hooked on these cars.
Are you former military controller?
I'm a Tomcat RIO

Don't want to highjack his thread too much, but yeah, I was a former Air Force controller now with the FAA. I do see a lot of pilots/aviation people on this forum. Maybe there is a sub-conscience connection between people in the aviation field and NSXs.:smile:
Don't want to highjack his thread too much, but yeah, I was a former Air Force controller now with the FAA. I do see a lot of pilots/aviation people on this forum. Maybe there is a sub-conscience connection between people in the aviation field and NSXs.:smile:

Like I said we don't speed - we just FLY low....:wink: BTW - I'm not an air traffic controller or a pilot....well .....I did fly a 747 in simulation once.....and then there's the NSX. I think I qualify:smile:
tbromley, I didn't get any spare parts with the car, don't know what happened to the original wheels--I just hope someone sold them, rather than tossing them. It did come with the NSX cover, and an NSX duffle bag.
I like how the wheels look, but the backs are quite wide, so they limit what tires I can get--I can't go much narrower than a 275, which limits tire choices. Down the road, I'll switch to 17/18s, especially if I can find a nice set of SSR Integrals.
Thanks to all for the compliments.
It looks very nice... the paint on the NSX's is awesome.

Enjoy the excitment of ownership and driving....

And as they say "RED" is the fastest color :biggrin:
Cap, the car looks nice. With just 62k on the odo it's almost a brand new car. It's going to be hard keeping it stock if you live within driving range of SOS.

Enjoy the car and make sure to keep the revs in vtec. :smile:
Yeah, I fly the P180. Next time I am in KSAT I will look for you. What are your initials? We have 56 of them and I only fly every other week. We own about half of all P180's produced so if you see one there is about a one half of one percent chance its me. ;)

I'm gonna start a new thread, seems there is enough traction to start an aviation thread on NSX prime now.

Congrats on the purchase Cap! Sounds somewhat similar - drove to Charlotte NC and was a 6 hour trip back for me. And LOVED every minute of the drive :biggrin: Mine is a 91 with 53k on her, and completely stock. What a ride !! And, it goes without saying, RED is an awesome color....! Cheers, Jay
Congrats and welcome!