Picking Up '91 NSX Today

3 December 2008
Here's the story...

Buddy from out of state gives me a call. "I found an NSX near you that I want to buy. Can you check it out for me?"

Yesterday I check the car out. It's a 1991 with 98k miles. The car is in excellent condition. I compile my results and send them to my friend.

"I'm buying it!" is his response.

This morning I go to my bank and get the cashier's check. (My friend will pay me back when he gets into town on Friday.) I pick the car up in a few hours.

As mentioned, my friend is flying into town on Friday evening to pick up the car.

That means that, for a little over 48 hours, I'll be a NSX owner. How best should I use the 48 hours? ;)

If I were you, I'd park it in my garage.
Yeah, that's the responsible thing to do...

I'm actually going to park it in his father in-laws garage. (Mine is full.) I doubt I'll even see it again for a few months.

Now, if it was a rental...
Is your buddy a previous NSX owner? I couldn't pull the trigger on a car that I have never seen in person because there are certain "issues" that are specific to 1991 NSX's, I hope all the proper research was done. Anyway, if you like it that much on your drive home you are the one who paid for it:rolleyes:
That is sure a nice thing you did for your friend. I think for going through that much trouble, you should be expected to take it on a nice long cruise. Your insurance would cover it in the mean time. Besides, you would just be making sure it runs good.:wink:
Nope I'd throw the car into the father's garage and call it a day. It will be harder repairing the friendship than if you were to wreck the car...

Having insurance is not the point - not wrecking it is.:wink:
The original plan was for my friend to leave the car with me to drive for a few weeks in order to discover any issues with the vehicle. That way the car could be repaired here (in the Dallas area) before he took delivery. I think he started getting excited about the car, however, and decided to fly in on Friday (tomorrow) to pick it up.

This works out fine with me as, although I think that the NSX is a great car, I don't fit in it. (In fact, I had a tough time on the test drive.) I'm 6'5", but all torso, and could not find a comfortable seating position.
A guy I know checked out and picked up a motorcycle for a friend that didn't live in the area. Well he of course had to try it out and compare it to his bike while he waited for the guy to come over sometime on an upcoming weekend.. To make a long story short he ended up crashing and totalling it before the guy had even seen his new bike in person. I never did hear just how upset the guy was but i don't think they speak much any more.

It really isn't worth the risk. It would be much better to park it and then when your friend comes to pick it up maybe take it for a spin with him there.
So you PAID for this car with your own money and your friend will now pay you back??

Wow, you are SOME friend. :wink:
So you PAID for this car with your own money and your friend will now pay you back??

Wow, you are SOME friend. :wink:

Yeah. Agreed. If I were you, (because I'm an AWESOME FRIEND, just ask Source :wink: ).... I would detail the car. I'd get it call cleaned up, wax it, and back it into the garage. Then he can stand in front of the garage door when you open it up. Of course he will then be obligated to take you to dinner in the car and pony up a few beers for the trouble. :biggrin:
My buddy flew into town on Friday and picked up his car. (He left Saturday morning.) I'm officially no longer an NSX owner.

My friend brought his car over to my house on Friday evening. (We had parked it in his father-in-law's garage.) I was able to fiddle with the seats more and the steering angle and was actually able to get a pretty comfortable driving position. My head would still brush the roof when I would lean back, and I don't think I could wear a helmet in the car, but overall I was pleasantly surprised. I'm now considering picking one up myself...

The transaction may sound strange to some people, but it actually went very, very well. My friend found the car, spoke to the owner, negotiated the price, etc. over the phone. Since I wasn't partaking in any of the negotiation of price, I felt no pressure whatsoever when I checked out the car. I was able to take very detailed notes without offending the seller because, as I explained to him, I wanted to send my friend as much information as possible. In effect, I was the "good cop." (Not that my friend was necessarily the "bad cop", it's just that I was under no pressure of any kind and wasn't in a situation where I had to point out every negative thing I found in an attempt to negotiate a lower price.) I would purchase another car in this manner in a second.

My friend drove the car home on Saturday -- a 12 hour drive -- with no surprises or problems. I have to admit that there aren't very many exotics I would be comfortable doing that in.
