Da Hapa said:
For the life of me I can't figure out why Subaru doesn't sell the Forester like that here in the US. Lots of folks like me need the space that an SUV or van offers but love to drive.
I tip my hat to you, because that is one seriously bad ass Forester.
The Kid is right, and you're in luck, Da Hapa, as this is the grossly under-publicized Forester XT, which comes with the exact engine that the STi has (identical part numbers to all the internals/heads/injectors, variable valve timing, drive by wire, etc). The only difference is that the Forester is given a smaller TD04 turbo and a smaller intercooler, although at ~3200 lbs, it also weighs ~150 lbs less than the STi. Plus, since so many STi's are modified, a lot of guys buy a low milage used STi turbo (IHI VF39), ecu and intercooler, and for ~$1000 total you have a factory reliable 300 hp/300 ft-lb Forester.

In 2004 when Subaru unveiled the XT, it was actually the second fastest SUV on the planet, behind only the mighty Porsche Cayenne Turbo, which carries quadruple the pricetag of the XT. Another little known fact is that as of 2004 the Forester had the fastest production 0-30 mph time, from what I've read.:tongue: Even the 4.444 final drive is the factory spec, although no USDM Subaru ever sported the 4.444 before (WRX and STi are 3.90 in US). Subaru apparently underrates the power output at 210 hp so as not to trump the WRX, as Forester XTs generally lay down close to that figure at the wheels, and are capable of turning a 13 sec 1/4 mile in stock form. I don't know why Subaru doesn't market the performance of this car to the American market like they do in Japan. I've always wondered why their commercials appeal to the safety of the base models, yet aside from the Impreza line, they never even mention the raw power and excitement that the turbo versions of the Legacy, Baja, and Forester offer, which is more inline with the American mentality.:tongue: Not to mention the rock solid reliabilty of a Subaru, even when heavily mod'd. Overall its a tremendous bang for the buck at ~$25k...although it's easy to inflate the cost of ownership via catching the mod bug, particularly with a turbo vehicle.