Picked up a new toy: Big brother to my s2000!

15 October 2003
West coast!
Well, I just got back from a weekend trip to finalize the deal on my NSX. I have to really thank the owner who helped me make this dream a reality. He's here on Prime but I won't reveal who just yet.....

The car is currently being transported back to my home so I will post some pics once it arrives here safely (going to be a long hard wait for the next few weeks.......)

Thanks again to EVERYONE here on prime who helped me answer questions, show me their cars and welcome me to the local meets. Seems like a great group of people and I look forward to meeting everyone this summer.

I'm super picky about buying any car and think I really got the car of my dream in terms of options, colors, mods, etc. It's a clean slate for my to start my own series of modifications and I am already beginning to stockpile the parts.

So my garage is now +1 more vehicle and my s2000 finally has a big brother to look up to! haha :biggrin: (my girl says when the kids come, the cars will be where we draw for their college education)

I'm going to make plans to go to NSXpo this year in Portland since that's my other hometown.

here's a teaser pic...snapped it before it left for transport :)


Car looks absolutley stunning! I don't think you could have purchased a nicer nsx.

hope you really enjoy it
Congrats! What taste.
Thanks guys, I have to be frank and tell you I have never been happier spending this kind of money! More excited than when I bought my GT3 for some reason......my girl is also happy with this car! Just can't wait to get it in my garage and start working on it :)

I drove it for about 100 miles or so around town and was blessed with awesome weather that day. The exhaust note was harmonious as you get on it and really makes that motor sing. What was amazing to me is the interior looked like the day it came off the showroom floor. The seats look like no one has ever sat in them and everything was stock just the way I like it. No crappy alarm or other electronics to mess with. Shifter is crisp, smooth and "almost" the same feeling as my s2000. Throw's are slightly longer but each shift brought a smile to my face. I never even turned on the radio and just listened to the exhaust which was aftermarket.

Already have BBK's and new rims on order. After that who knows but I don't plan on adding any body mods or interior stuff for now. All my cars are heavily modded so just want to take it slow for now.

I still can't get over the lowered stance of the car. I've seen plenty of F-cars and Lambo's and still this car looks "lower" than all of those cars. Actually F-cars are not really slammed like the F430. I had my GT3 parked next to a few last week and they have like almost 3 finger gap between the fender and the wheels are quite too far inward.

White is the HOTTEST color for this car! :biggrin: I'm a happy man right now!

stay tuned,
congrats i felt the same way you did when i first picked up my nsx it was like the whole day was JUST FOR ME, perfect weather and all! congrats and SWEET COLOR COMBO!
Congrats. White is stunning. Great taste in cars I might add. Enjoy.
Congrats Rick. What's the estimated delivery date? You definitely need to show up on a Friday meet in Fremont.
Congrats Rick. What's the estimated delivery date? You definitely need to show up on a Friday meet in Fremont.

Shipping company told me anywhere from 7 - 18 days so quite a range there. Will call them to follow up on Friday but I highly doubt it will be here till next week at the earliest.

There was one shipping company that would guarantee 3 day delivery but they want about $3000 (transport truck only holds 4 cars at at time) but very prompt with their guarantee. I have an awesome guy for personal transport up and down the west coast but he does not do other runs.

I'm usually at the Friday night s2000 meet location with any one of my cars on a given night so you'll see me around for sure. Just waiting on the rims and BBK's right now.

Hell yea Rick!!!

Can't wait to see it and you in PDX!
The white is stunning. How many miles on it?
I remember when I approved that ad.

It looks like a gorgeous car.

Hell yea Rick!!!

Can't wait to see it and you in PDX!

Yeah I go up to PDX more often than you think so can't wait to make the awsome drive up I5 through Shasta in the NSX. Thinking about deviating to Hwy. 36 and then taking 101 up north to Oregon (never done that route).

Ordered my rims finally so now just more agonizing WAITING :frown:

Woot, just tracked my car via GPS and it's in CA already - if I get really lucky and the trucker drives fast, I'll pick it up after work today :)

The anticipation is killing me.......................:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: