picked up a black 91 5spd

16 September 2013
While working on my 77 280z project a friend decided to upgrade to something with a horse symbol and bright red.. between that the nsx and his 911 carrera he decides to let the x go.. 91 5spd 104xxx miles new comptech headers and full cat exhaust wheels19r 18f mssr. Maintence has been up to date. He drove it 3k miles during his 1yr of ownership.. I'm shocked its still in nice condition considering its age .. there are fewminor things that need to be replaced and touched up.. been thru so many cars/projects hopefully this will be the last .. after wks browsing thru this forum I finally decIided to sign up .. great community and support in this forum
Congrats! Make sure your crank pulley and coolant hoses have been rellaced and it should be good to go :)
Thanks for the advice a quick look and squeeze of the coolant lines feels soft not stiff.. haven't had a chance to go thru it 100% but will def go over it.. crank pulley? Haven't come acrossed anything related to that during my times browsing but did ck to make sure the tranny vn# is not part of the defective batch. .
Thanks for the advice a quick look and squeeze of the coolant lines feels soft not stiff.. haven't had a chance to go thru it 100% but will def go over it.. crank pulley? Haven't come acrossed anything related to that during my times browsing but did ck to make sure the tranny vn# is not part of the defective batch. .

Welcome to NSXPrime!
Re the the crank pulley, in some instances, seemingly unrelated to engine mileage for the most part, the rubber damper inside of the crank pulley can break lose from the metal pulley, causing the rubber to destroy the timing belt cover, followed by the timing belt, which will result in immediate catastrophic engine failure. With that being said, my 92 is still on the original crank pulley.
welcome to the club what a dummy he gave up the NSX over those parts cars.

his loss your gain. welcome
Thanks for the info on the crank pulley was not aware of it being a problem but ill change it as preventative maintence.. as far as him letting the nsx go .. hes not really a true enthusiast and knoe nothing about cars he only baught it because as a kid he always wanted one so the opportunity arise and jumped on it no questions asked about history/records.. I have some things on order so pics will be up when its installed