photoshopped...comments and opinions please

7 November 2002
northern california
Playing around with a new photoshop plug in.... whatcha guys think???? likes and dislikes please.... suggestions too...thanks...dave


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I like it. gives the picture more depth. have you tried turning it into a black and white photo then add some slight color to the back ground?

I like it though
It looks nice, I'm just not a fan of the photoshopped images that look like over-saturated oil paintings.
I like it. gives the picture more depth. have you tried turning it into a black and white photo then add some slight color to the back ground?

I like it though

Hows this look????


  • NSX under the bridge topaz adj_B&W.jpg
    NSX under the bridge topaz adj_B&W.jpg
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Car looks hot, but the photo looks too over done if you ask me. When I see photos like this it looks like a newb did it, not flaming just helping:wink:
Car looks hot, but the photo looks too over done if you ask me. When I see photos like this it looks like a newb did it, not flaming just helping:wink:

YEP... thats becasue i am a newb (with photoshop).... any suggestions???

thanks for the input
Well it’s a great start! And Photoshop is very tough if you don’t know it. Just remember when working with photos the best thing is to produce an excellent photo first then bring it into Photoshop and play with it. It’s hard to do effects like this with a low quality photo without making the the photo pixelize. What Photoshop version are you using? What camera are you shooting with? Any experience with HDR Photography?
Well it’s a great start! And Photoshop is very tough if you don’t know it. Just remember when working with photos the best thing is to produce an excellent photo first then bring it into Photoshop and play with it. It’s hard to do effects like this with a low quality photo without making the the photo pixelize. What Photoshop version are you using? What camera are you shooting with? Any experience with HDR Photography?

Thanks for the comment.... thats exactly what i am looking for... now, any suggestions???? I believe the picture i started with was a pretty crappy picture to begin with (been learning how to use my canon 50d) and i know i have a LONG way to go with the photo taking techniques.... so, any suggestions on what i can improve on with the photoshopping????

thanks again....Dave
Waiting for instructions :biggrin:

actually, it was pretty simple... i used a photoshop plug in by Topaz Labs... i found them searching youtube for photoshop techniques.... i am using the 30 day free trial,.... and fully intend on buy the complete bundle ($199) once i try more fo the different plug ins....
OK.. i know this look isnt for everyone.... but i really think its bitchen... one mor just for shitz and giggle.... sorry...BTW i ripped the picture fro the picture gallery.... just to use for the fun of playing with the software...


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I think you are on the right track with the camera selection ONEADAM12! That can produce some lovely photos with a bit of practice. One thing I started working with is HDR photography which I think you would really like. You basically take three or two different exposures of the same photo then merge them together.
I believe when using photoshop you go to file/automate/Merge to HDR and then you can play with it. Here is an example of HDR Photography.

High Exposure

Medium Exposure

low Exposure

Final Image

The three different images allow you to work with the levels of each image together so you can really make a image pop! This is probably not the best example since it is so dark but you get the idea!

I dont ever use filters when using photoshop, I think the only way to produce a great photo is with the camera and if I need to tweak it a little I will. Im still learning a lot too!! I really would suggest Adobe Light-room if you really like using filters and image correction. Though photoshop allows you to do this as well Light-room is just a great program for editing your images. I look at photoshop more of a tool for chopping more then anything but it can used for just about anything you want to do. I will give you my number if you want to call and I can walk you through a few things!! Let me know!
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OK.. i know this look isnt for everyone.... but i really think its bitchen... one mor just for shitz and giggle.... sorry...BTW i ripped the picture fro the picture gallery.... just to use for the fun of playing with the software...

how did you do that? topaz? nevermind, downloading now :)
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Damn, just downloaded the Topaz Bundle. This thing does some crazy stuff! :eek:
i think this one is pretty cool


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