

Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
I'm going to purcahse Photoshop, and the current version is CS. Is there any reason not to buy a new copy of 7.0 and also the upgrade to CS? Reason being that buying 7.0 and the CS upgrade saves $190.00. I mean I end up with the same thing as buying CS, right?
What are you going to be using Photoshop for? I have found that with my upgrade to CS that it really hasn't made that much of difference from 7.0. I mostly use Photoshop to adjust the color balance and sharpness of my pictures. I have done some picture manipulations, but it takes forever and if your not proficent(sp?) with it you waste hours on end trying to work with the program.

I say save the cost of the upgrade to CS and just get 7.0. It is a very powerful tool and you can install it on as many computers as you want. With CS, you only have the ability to install it on two computers which is a p.i.t.a. if you're like me and have three or more computers that need the program.

-good luck
Thanks guys. I just want it for personal use. 7.0 it is.
If you're shooting digital photos with a digital SLR, CS is the ONLY version to get. I wouldn't have bothered working with Canon RAW files until I changes the way you'll work with digital photos.
MiamieNeSeX said:
Download it for free off Kazaa or Lime Wire. Woops did I say that outloud?
I already have a solution. ;) :D
If you're going to try a pirated copy, just be sure you remove Adobe Online... apparently it installs .DLL files which transmit info back to Adobe. I couldn't tell you how to remove it because i haven't needed too.

I'd recommend you try a free Trial version of Photoshop available on Adobe's website because it's risk-free. But realistically you've probably already aquired a copy. ;)