Photoshop People- Need Help removing Red Eye

1 February 2002
San Dimas, CA
Hell0- any Photoshop users out there know how to remove red eye on pictures? Alot of my halloween pics came out with red eye..
I tried but too many options in the program for a beginner.

If you have photoshop 7 try using the dropper to pick up color of the eye, paint that color over the red spot and use the heal tool. Works pretty well for me as a beginner.
Hunting for rabit with an elephant gun?

Do you really need Photoshop to remove red eye? I use ThumbsPlus (originally on mac and now on windows) for photo management and editing. Most if not all software that ships with digital cameras these days has it to.

In thumbsplus you use the quick keys or the icon and you position circles over the eyes - resize - and whala - done!

Highly recommended for cropping, resizing, and doing many advanced management features.

good luck
I have the same problem, my eyes are blue and they always come out red in pictures. I try to fix them with the few programs I have (Paint Shop Pro 7-trial version) but they can only be fixed to a light brown.... Is there a really good program for this, or are different cameras better than others (as far as taking a picture that might not have a red-eye result) It's really annoying.
Try it for yourself for free - this is truely one of the great windows programs for managing images.

Some of the features I have loved and used over the last 5 years:

- auto build slide shows and save as a "show" or just watch and works with video files too
- auto build web sites with thumbs (see my web site at for an example of the sites, go to 2003)
- Find similar pictures
- Auto publish to online printers and storage
- Crop, save as another format, resample, touch up, auto rotate, build macros, recolor, etc
- Works with twain cameras, scanners, etc
- Add digital watermarks and hidden information

good luck