Photo Shop Help!!

6 September 2002
Northern VA photoshop guru,
help me!!! palllllesseee!! i am attempting to layer pictures next to each other and fade. how do you do it? any tricks?

yellowpad... never fear... the photoshop nerds...err..."guru's"... are here... in our supermen suits wearing underpants on the outside. :D

can u be more specific on what you're trying to do? is it...

1) do you have two images as two seperate layers and you want to create a cross-fade between the two, OR
2) are the layers overlapping and you want to make the layer 'fade' (transparent) so you can see both at the same time???

if option one, the quickest way (that i can describe in words :rolleyes: ) is to create a background layer with a common color, then cut & soften OR cut & blur the edges of each layer.... but really depends on the type of effect you are trying to create.

another way is to apply a different transparent effect to a layer such as DISSOLVE, BURN or DODGE (experiment with the others)... this can be used to effectively change the way one layer 'fades' into another. you change this setting in one of the toolbar thingy's...*sigh*... hard to describe when i can't post a screenshot (coz i'm at work)
thank you far i got two images...cut and crop....layed over..........and nothing. anywho, i will take more time learning. will run down to the computer store to pick up a book tomorrow--i am sure that will help!!!
