PHOEN$X said:
LOL, thanks Neo. too bad they are going to rename it though. :(

Hope you got your PC up and running!

nah... pc still very much dead. I'm running a cel.333 w/ Win98 (so glad now i didn't sell my win98 cd!)

It means i wont be doing any funny photoshop stuff till i get this fixed. :( (but FuryNSX cheers in excitement at this news)

but forced into win98 means i'm using phoen$x...err...i mean the "phoenix" web browser. :D (it's really mozilla with a L337er name and a kooler logo. ;) ) i should d/load the source code, and customize it so it's a 'PHOEN$X bR0w53R'. hahaha... complete w/ your photo as the logo and nsxprime as the 'home' site. lol
Phoenix is my secondary browser. Mozilla is still my #1. They are going to rename Phoenix to something else...

stupid question (coz i'm too lazy to search for it online) ... what's the major differences between mozilla & phoenix? I hear so much positive feedback of Mozilla.

Phoenix seems to be very minimalistic; and some of it is a mix of Opera & Netscape 6.

if they change Phoenix's name, i wont use it... the name is everything for me. :D
any demos available ? resources ?

NeoNSX said:
stupid question (coz i'm too lazy to search for it online) ... what's the major differences between mozilla & phoenix? I hear so much positive feedback of Mozilla.

Phoenix seems to be very minimalistic; and some of it is a mix of Opera & Netscape 6.
Am looking for a basic, lightweight (less resource-intensive) browser for a spare (older, slow/memory-challenged) machine. Am currently on IE6. Is Phoenix a possibility ?

Also, are there any "demo" sites that show basic capability, features, UI, etc ??

<B>PoweredByHonda</B>: thanx for links...

<B>cojones</B>: first, you should also consider the web browser<A HREF="">Opera</A> which claims to be the fastest (i tend to agree) and is extremely memory efficient... get version 6.x because v7.x uses a lot more memory and is repeatedly recieving security updates. :(

Without Java, Opera 6 is about 2MB to download... no bad, eh?

BTW, i love your avatar... let me wish; it's the nsx2 rite? :D
thanks for the info...

BTW, i love your avatar... let me wish; it's the nsx2 rite? :D
Thanks -- I'll check out the suggestions. Mozilla seems to be getting decent reviews from friends.

Avatar is the new Zonda Roadster from Pagani. Open-top version of the Zonda C12S, updated with 19" wheels and a removable CF panel top.
The browser is no longer called Phoenix. It is now known as Mozilla Firebird.

That sucks....

If they renamed it to "Mozilla Mustang" it would be ok... ísn't that right PHOEN$X?? ;)

<B>cojones</B>: oh, i knew what car it was... that's why i like the avatar. :) Didnt know the new "covertible" had 19" wheels though.
NeoNSX said:
If they renamed it to "Mozilla Mustang" it would be ok... ísn't that right PHOEN$X?? ;)
Heh, thanks Neo. They are copying Pontiac (which had a car called the Phoenix that was a POS, then they came out with the Firebird). They should've named it after a Japanese car maker, lest people associate the quality of the browser with that of GM products! :eek:
now called Firefox

The browser is no longer called Phoenix. It is now known as Mozilla Firebird.
Just tried the 0.9.x version (almost ready) of Mozilla's Firefox browser, based on recommendations from the tech guru at businessweek.

Getting tired of all these seemingly-endless "security fixes" from IE. Seems the "break-it" folks are outpacing the "fix-it" teams. :(

So far so good. The "tab" feature is a nice touch.
Cool, this thread is back! :D

You should try <A HREF="">Opera</A>; it features Tabs too and is a fully matured browser so it's security is very good.

Obviously the name 'Opera' is a bit of a turn-off for most, and it's no PHOENIX, but it's worth a try. I did, and i never went back to IE.
Firebird is GREAT! There are all sorts of great plug-ins for 0.8 too. (ad blockers, google toolbar, double click to open a new tab, etc...)

LOVE firebird, and have not touched IE in months.