Congrats Teej! We will definitely do a group drive for ya when your NSX gets here.
So... I decided to try and back into the driveway and have had no issues front or rear... Just a thought.
There are strong fiscal reasons why we are looking to buy now instead of renting first. There's a slight drop off in my consultant pay to the full time job. We have a good Realtor that knows the layout and I have roamed around quite a bit in the past 6 months. Right now the two front runners is a house in Gilbert and a house in Goodyear. In some cases, the house we are looking at will have a rolled curb but the one next door wont. :tongue:
And about the HOA, we were told that homes built after a certain date are all in HOA's so now its about finding the less douche'y HOA
The exception I guess is if you purchase your own lot somewhere and build with an independent builder? We would not be doing either. I have a very short window to make this all happen and don't want to drop more than $280k if possible... 3 stall garage, pool, 4bed, 2.5bath (min). Has to have a good school district because my step daughter has 3 yrs of HS left and shes a frickin mess.. so must have options should one school not turn out :miserable:
coming soon to a rolled driveway near you.
This car is beautiful. No flashy body kit wings west garbage hanging off the sides and no Type-R wing... nice, subtle wheels, too.
Okay guys, its officially going to happen... unless the background check comes back and they find out I used to be an undercover operative for the CIA or something and my cover is blown... See you on the streets in a few months.
We are in final stages of a 4/2.5 3100 sq ft in Gilbert but thanks
Do a search on the web and u'll find a purpose built strip made for these soft curb driveway entrances (hoa approval not withstanding) if you dont want to go the diy route. Theyre usually black
Think I've seen these. About $400?
I just go full throttle and cross my fingers....
Ok I can confirm that ass first is less scrapage :biggrin: