PHOEN$X's & NSXForEver's birthday! Join the party!

19 February 2001
Southern California
PHOEN$X's birthday (60)
NSXForEver's birthday (35)

Happy Birthday to you guys!!!





NeoNSX said:
wha??? it's <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR="red">N$X</FONT></B> b-day!?!?! Happy birthday dude!

MYNSX: did u call the strippers this time? :p

As Dr.Ruth says "USE A CONTRACEPTIVE"stay safe!! :) LOL
Hey, thanks a lot guys! I had an awesome birthday! My brother flew in for the occasion. We had an awesome dinner, I ate 4 plates of these:


Then we went to the Pavilions and met up with AznSXgirl there (MYNSX: where were you dude?). Saw some awesome cars, including these beauties:



Nice Advans!



Very friendly Lotus was his first time at the Pavilions!



The only drag was that Prime was down. :( I'm glad it's back up though! My brother's still in town for another day, so I'll check in later.

Have a nice week everyone! :)
PHOEN$X said:
Hey, thanks a lot guys! I had an awesome birthday! My brother flew in for the occasion. We had an awesome dinner, I ate 4 plates of these:

Then we went to the Pavilions and met up with AznSXgirl there (MYNSX: where were you dude?). Saw some awesome cars, including these beauties:


Very friendly Lotus was his first time at the Pavilions!

Have a nice week everyone! :)

Do you know who belongs to the BBSC NSX? I have a question regarding the BOV.

<B>PHOE<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>: Is that photo of the sushi a BEFORE or AFTER shot??? :D

Didn't the pavilions ban MYNSX/MY355 from attending again coz he steals all the attention??? (and chicks) ;)

NeoNSX said:
<B>PHOE<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>: Is that photo of the sushi a BEFORE or AFTER shot??? :D

Didn't the pavilions ban MYNSX/MY355 from attending again coz he steals all the attention??? (and chicks) ;)

HEY!!! Cut it out!! LOL :)
I usually BMOC (bring my own chick)

As far as this Saturday while you guys were relaxing.
I was workin' my MY355 on the run from Vegas to AZ
on the two lane highway running from my buddies Supra
good thing I have a lower center of gravity= (better thru the turns) and was able to get from the strip in Vegas to my garage in record time.The stops for fuel were like pit stops @ a nascar race. GO GO GO!!!!
It was like the GUMBALL RUN !!! Great fun .

PS ... I met a chick (ironically Alexandra) in a imola orange VT Diablo we played on the strip a bit and then went out for drinks later.Yes I got SMOKED!!
Then again I would have let her win if she wasn't winning :)
She'll be visiting in about 3 weeks possibly I'll have her come to the Pavillions w/ me assuming she's here on a weekend.

I'll have MYNSX back in a couple weeks (this is gonna be awesome).
MiamieNeSeX said:
Do you know who belongs to the BBSC NSX? I have a question regarding the BOV.


Thats Yvonne's BBSC, a.k.a. AznNSXGirl (sp?)

I got run down on the freeway by her on Saturday, she drives faster than I do :D !

P.S. Happy birthday Kelvin, I'll be at the Pavilions this Saturday, are you gonna be there?
Re: ..............................................................

Originally posted by MYNSX

PS ... I met a chick (ironically Alexandra) in a imola orange VT Diablo we played on the strip a bit and then went out for drinks later.Yes I got SMOKED!!
Then again I would have let her win if she wasn't winning :)
She'll be visiting in about 3 weeks possibly I'll have her come to the Pavillions w/ me assuming she's here on a weekend.

Alright, thats it, I'm cruisin with you sometime in the future.
Re: Re: ..............................................................

Syonara said:

Alright, thats it, I'm cruisin with you sometime in the future.

Thats the plan Sayanara. Ok you'll need to do a few things

-be sober for at least the drive time (otherwise you'll not be able to stay w/ me thru the turns/besides you'll need to talk when we meet woman sucks when your slurring and swirving)

-cancell all the strippers for the day.I know but some must sacrifice somewhere.
(If you'd like I'll set you up w/ both my ex's
they are both strippers and as I see as useless to the general public anyway)

-you'll need to remember to put FUEL in your car.
The fuel will be nessesary to run the car .
PS....the fuel fill spot is just behind the drivers door on the rear fender.

Oh yea wear clean underwear and bring a spare pair as you might sh!t your pants by the end of the eve!!

LOL :) (you know I'm just RAZZIN' you. )
Re: Re: Re: ..............................................................

MYNSX said:
-you'll need to remember to put FUEL in your car.
The fuel will be nessesary to run the car .
PS....the fuel fill spot is just behind the drivers door on the rear fender.
You're gonna have to tell me about this on Saturday, Bill. ;)
NeoNSX said:
lol... <B>phoe<FONT COLOR=red>n$x</FONT></B>, we were reading the same post at the same time! spooky! haha... but for once i bet u. ;)
Bastard...just kidding buddy! :D You go dood!
PHOEN$X said:
Bastard...just kidding buddy! :D You go dood!

LOL... can't even lose once... after all the times you've beaten me with a post... :)

NeoNSX: 1 point
PHOEN$X: 33 points

i'm gaining on you now... ;)

going back to AznSXgirl's email, i bet if eBay auctioned her email address (to reveal it), it would get dozens of bids & hundreds of dollars. :D
Re: Re: Re: ..............................................................

MYNSX said:
ps.....nice NEW avatar!!

Thanks, give the assist to NEO for making it the correct file type and size!