A couple of friend's cars. I just realized how big the F430 rear end is...

A couple of friend's cars. I just realized how big the F430 rear end is...
Nice photo.
It's like looking at Jennifer Lopez on the left and Cameron Diaz on the right. :biggrin: :tongue:
Rollin' Phattie
For such an expensive car you'd think it would set a tad lower. That wheel gap is hidious.
Eh I'll agree they are both great cars, but the NSX is not even near a F430.
US F430's are higher than Euro F430's due to some US-requirements. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I think he meant the NSX. Looking at the pictures, it seems the NSX is the one with the huge wheel gap.....not trying to offend the owner. :biggrin: