Petition to Eradicate Front License Plate

I signed it but I don't have a lot of faith that it will abolish this requirement. I am pretty sure law enforcement officers uses this law as an excuse to pull over a suspicious person and look for other violations. I suspect they generate quite a bit of revenue for this citation also.
Thanks for posting this. I agree with all reasons in the petition. Who knows... power to the people!

Move to Pa:biggrin:
I signed the petition and I sure hope it goes through. I hate having a front license plate, particularly on a car like an NSX. I finally had to break down and put one on my daily driver. It was never an issue in Orange County but in LA it is an automatic ticket by the parking police. In the last three years I've gotten four tickets and I don't even go to LA that much.
I just recent received one the past weekend. My car is parked and the officer just wrote a ticket and clip it on my windshield. What an a$$!

My question is: Since I'm from TX and my car have a TX plate. Do I need to pay for it? It's in the city of Arcadia. If I do decide not to pay for it and the car will not be registered here in Cali will I have problem renewing my registration in TX? Last, if another officer decided to run my plate and I'm guessing it will show up for something here will my car get towed? Thanks :biggrin:
i signed this a while back. it seems like this bill will pass as soon as marijuana becomes officially legal (not medical) for use.
Signed too... However, I thought this law varies from city to city and it is not a statewide law. Can anyone verify that?
Statewide. California Vehicle Code:

5200. (a) When two license plates are issued by the department for
use upon a vehicle, they shall be attached to the vehicle for which
they were issued, one in the front and the other in the rear.
(b) When only one license plate is issued for use upon a vehicle,
it shall be attached to the rear thereof, unless the license plate is
issued for use upon a truck tractor, in which case the license plate
shall be displayed in accordance with Section 4850.5.

(California codes can be searched online.)
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