pedestrian versus vehicle video - warning - intense

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
I came across this police officer's webpage that has a video of a very unfortunate pedestrian being struck by a flying vehicle.

I know many people who cross intersections who don't pay attention to traffic, pretending as if the green light will save them from everything. Very scary!! When I'm walking through an intersection, and it begins to blink red, I run to the get to the otherside rather than take the time to amble through. I don't know how many people I've seen who just take their sweet time to complete the crossing. Right of way does not mean they will win against a motor vehicle.
nsxr1 said:
That accident occured in Dayton, Ohio this past July. The pedestrian survived (at least initially) due to the fact that the portion of the SUV that rolled directly over him was crushed a fraction of a second before by the impact with the PT Cruiser. This created a space that prevented him from being squashed. Read about it here...
Thanks a lot for the information.

I can't believe this: "Police say the light had been red for 28 seconds when the PT Cruiser entered the intersection.

They say Tegtmeyer should not have been crossing the street at the time because the crosswalk signal was red."

What a stupid pedestrian. I'm glad he survived, but that'll teach him not to have such a cavalier attitude when crossing the street, especially against a red... :confused:
i took care of a lady this wknd (motorcycle vs. semi). you'lll never guess who got the short end of the stick. Transected aorta, hemo-pneumo thorax, splenic rupture, pulmonary rupture... i'm shocked she made it to the OR, actually...