Pebble Beach Lunch & Drive

14 October 2001
San Jose, CA
The south bay chapter of the NSXCA Northwest Region held its first event of 2003 at Pebble Beach. The day started with lunch at The Lodge in Pebble Beach, a loop around the 17 Mile Drive concluding with a short visit to Laguna Seca Raceway.

Pictures at the link below:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Awesome pics! You guys really know how to cruise. The KITT NSX looks pretty cool. Too bad there aren't any night photos of it. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice. Thanks for sharing. I can't think of many, if any, places better to take a drive than 17mi drive. I'm jealous.;)
Damn. Stupid having to work on Saturday.

Looks like a great event, I will not miss it next time, looks great.
Hope I'm not offending anyone here but why would you mess up a car as beautiful as the nsx with a knight rider facia??? I can't figure it out.
anyone know if the led set up was a home made job? i want the same thing but with blue leds not in the front bumper though!
Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing. Is it me, or is the right side of the lip of the second car from the right hitting against the low railing (lip looks crooked)??


dnyhof said:
Hope I'm not offending anyone here but why would you mess up a car as beautiful as the nsx with a knight rider facia??? I can't figure it out.

No offense taken. You should check it out before you jump to the conclusion that the KITT scanner "messes up" the car. :)

Kitt LEDs

I took a small movie (2MB) of the Kitt NSX LEDs in action that I took with my Canon S45. Movie plays on both Mac & PC.

Download link to disk.

<a href=""></a>
PHOEN$X said:
Suh-weet! Vytas
Now we just need to dub in the Knight Rider soundtrack to complete the effect. :D

Hehe, that's my next step, to burn the soundtrack onto a CD-R so I can play it in my changer. After that, I'll have to see if I can find a clip of the whirring sound that the scanner is supposed to make. :)
