PC to Mac OS conversion anyone?

randomharmony said:
May I ask that has anyone done this on their PC?? i like to do it on mine, please share!! thanks!!

The Steps
Although all MacOS 10 versions should already be prepared for Intel processors (according to Steve Jobs) there is a problem with the program code that prevents a seamless installation and work on PCs. It seems that the Apple guys want to prevent the MacOS installation on non Apple computers also for the future when Apple runs with Intel.

The next problem would be the applications. There are only a few that run seamlessly with MacOs on Intel in the developper labs. From what I have heard there are of course some hacks to overcome these problems but I wouldn't dare to do this step unless you are a real expert.
NSX-Racer said:
And according to this article on apple.slashdot there are some problems (DRM, that's what I meant with my previous post).

You are correct, and this site (referenced by the slashdot thread in my prior post here) reports some work-arounds (of dubious legality) for Apple's DRM scheme.

Side note: this thread should be moved to the "Off-Topic" forum.
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hehehe, thanks for the input guys. the reason i post this on a local forum instead @ off-topic is because I'm the silicon valley! home of computer super whiz (nerds j/k :biggrin: )!
ok, "the steps" is a little too hardcore for me, but i still love the Mac OS look for my desktop. after a little research, i did the next best thing of not having the conversion: Turn your PC into a Mac. :biggrin:

I've downloaded the Style XP for Men :wink: and Object Dock. It made the desktop look really GREAT, almost like the Mac OS!! This instructions really helped a lot.

I really like it! :smile:

PS, PM me if you need the registration # for Style XP. :wink:
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NSX-Racer said:
Not necessarily as off topic is allowed in regional forums but it may be also a good info for the overall off topic (BTW, I just saw that I'm an alien here in this section :eek: )

According to the forum listing (limited region-related off-topic OK), off-topic is only proper here if it's region-related, and then only in a limited sense.

Since running OSX on a PC is in no way region-related (Silicon Valley notwithstanding), this thread should be moved to off-topic.
Russ said:
According to the forum listing (limited region-related off-topic OK), off-topic is only proper here if it's region-related, and then only in a limited sense.

Since running OSX on a PC is in no way region-related (Silicon Valley notwithstanding), this thread should be moved to off-topic.
sorry to beat this horse to death but that is a wrong interpretation in my understanding. It says not limited-region-related-off topic, it is:
1. limited region-related plus:
2. off topic OK

At least that's how we handle it in the european&international forum but Lud has maybe more precise info on that.
Mac headquater is only 15 min. away from me, :biggrin: and i thought maybe someone locally can give me some insights. hehehe, anyway, point taken, and re-posted in "off-topic".