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Paypal/creditcard demands by Acura dealer normal??

31 May 2006
Hazerswoude, The Netherlands
I may have a coilpack problem with my 1998 3.2L CTSC NSX(see my topic under forced induction forum)

As possible needed parts/spares I want to buy the very cheap OE coilpack/sparkplug kit as offered on Ebay by Acura of Lynnwood.


As these are less than 1/3rd of the price that I will have to pay here in Europe:mad:

- at first the Lynnwood parts representative refused a sale outside the US

- on second request they are prepared to sell, but demand a confirmed PP adress. However, PP doesn't have this here in Europe, best thing is a verified PP adress, which I have. No good to them, they will not ship.

- on third request me offering to pay with MC they want the following info from me, which I feel is rediculous (and possibly unsafe??): they want to have a signed credit card authorization form filled out AND a copy of the drivers license AND a copy of credit card front and back
Is this normal??
If I use the MC to buy in the US, I always call and give the info (number/ verification code/ validation date) by phone.

If they weren't offering the parts so cheap, I would have been long gone:mad: but at the price they offer, I really want the parts.

Other option would be if a Prime member would be prepared to go through the trouble of personally ordering the parts and after receiving, send them on to me in Europe asap. I would ofcoarse be paying all charges/cost/PP charges with Paypal AND be very grateful:wink: .

Anyone volunteering??:rolleyes:

I don't understand why some US sellers plainly refuse to sell abroad, even when I offer 100% secure payment (this has happend to me several times on Ebay too, when before bidding asking if they will send to me, payment to be made with PP. Sellers simply refusing to ship abroad, even though I have 100% perfect Ebay feedback, also partially by US sellers with whom I bought before)
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Other option would be if a Prime member would be prepared to go through the trouble of personally ordering the parts and after receiving, send them on to me in Europe asap. I would ofcoarse be paying all charges/cost/PP charges with Paypal AND be very grateful:wink: .

Anyone volunteering??:rolleyes:
I can assist you, if that is how you wish to go about it.

The eBay listing showed a S/H price of $20.58 to my address. I can send to you via USPS. You can tell me what you want to list on the custom's form, and/or any special delivery-options.

BTW, my local Acura dealer offers 20% off list-price for parts; but there would be state sales tax of 8.25%.
@ Osiris: Thank you for the offer, much appreciated.:smile:

I will try once more to get the parts in a normal manner, but if this fails, I would like to take you up on your offer, will let you know within 1-2 days.

Still: anyone have a opinion on the MC payment demands as presented by the dealer? Seems VERY unusual to me AND possibly unsafe to give them all that info on copies!? Never gotten asked all this before when making MC payment over the phone in the US.:mad:

Usually over the phone just need to give holder's name as on the card/ CC number/ validation date/ 3 digit verification number on the back and that is it.
To ensure that vendor will be covered 100% in event of fraud they need to have a lot of support documentation to turn over to the credit card company.

Otherwise, if there is a problem with payment (disputed charges) and does not have *all* of that paperwork that they are requesting: then the vendor loses out.

Normally the vendor just weighs heavier toward convenience, hoping for increased business to offset any losses.
For what it's worth, Acura of Lynnwood is where I've taken my car for parts and service for the last four years. Unlike a certain other Acura dealer in the area, they've been helpful, honest, and dependable.

Do please make sure it's really being done through Acura of Lynnwood, though, and not someone posing as them. Also make sure it's not just one guy in the parts department selling things on the side.

As for what they asked you for: That's reasonable. For a large sale, I'm sometimes asked for ID and a signature in a store, and they'll type in the driver's license number for their records. Identity theft is a big deal and stores are becoming much more careful. As I said, just make sure that the person you're sending this to really is selling on behalf of Acura of Lynnwood.
Call my parts dept, Bridgewater Acura. We ship oversea's often. 908-704-0300 and ask for Gary. He's the manager. tell him I told you to call.:wink: