
15 May 2004
Micha and I first met at Rikli's (the number one address for Honda motorsports in Switzerland) and then drove over the Passwang. Here are some pics, enjoy! :)
Sometimes some obstacles came in our way but very few. The most annoying obstacles were 'Kuhscheisse' (cow shit) in the corners. I don't know how's the traction of the tires on cowshit :( but anyway the car got dirty. :)
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Saying goodbye and Micha showing his new invention: a really big rear-wing. I asked myself if this wing is producing up- or downforce. :D Nice car anyway. We both had our standing light on just to maskerade the Prollo-Blue-lights. :D

Besides that: Why the hell am I only allowed to post pictures that are only less than 97.7 kB? :(
We had a wonderful day and enjoyed every mile on the road (except for those on the bullshit). :D
B Feelgood said:
Nice pics...

What kind of suspension is on the ride one? It looks to be perfect height :smile:

Eibach and Bilstein on the upper perch, 12000 miles on them. The height is perfect for street driving. I never hit anything. But I'm changing to the Type-S springs with customised Bilstein's to match exactly the same height and damping characteristics. :)
You may laugh but I really like them as they match the color of the car: valve-caps from ebay :)
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