Passenger side window regulator

8 May 2005
San Jose, CA
I took the passenger side door panel off to install a new speaker, and to re-gease the window track a little bit, I then connect the window switch back and the window works fine. 5 days later, I put everything back together and the window is not working. I follow the manual to test the window switch with a meter and it works fine. I checked the fuse box under the hood and the fuse look good. I have no idea what went wrong. The funny thing is when I hit the switch, there is no sound coming form the window which means the motor is not working at all. Is there a way to test the motor to see if that is the problem?
My pasenger side also works when it wants to, sometimes it will go up and down with no problem and other days more often then not nothing both driver side & passenger side switch dont do anything. I dont know where to start cuz the regulator seems to roll up & down fine so I leave it to beleave it can be the switches both not making contact. Hopefully I will pull them out soon and investigate.
run power directly to the window motor first. If it works, remove window switches open to clean and re grease with di grease. if it doesn't move, then you know what the next step is.
I'm no expert, I would unplug the connection to the window regulator and check with a multimeter ($10 Frys or $5 Harbor Freight) to see if you are receiving 12 volts of power at the connection. If you are receiving power then its your motor (window). If you are not , then wiring is getting pinch at the door (most likely)??? Your intermittent problem suggest it's more of a wiring problem. If it is, check for continuity in the wires and isolate problem.

A switch can be checked real easy. Figure out the in and the out of the switch (metal tabs). Check again with a multimeter for continuity when you turn the switch on. If your getting continuity on your switch then it is difinitely a wiring problem.

Remember, you have three parts 1. Wiring 2. Switch 3. Motor (Window)

1. Motor can be check by plugging directly and seeing it work. More than likely it isn't because it is working once in a while.

2. Switch . Can be check pretty easily.

3. Wiring. Difficult. You have to find the break. Typically, it is at where it is running through the door joint. Check each wire individualy for continuity. You need an electrical schematic of wiring diagram of the door. Good luck!
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My passenger side also works when it wants to, sometimes it will go up and down with no problem and other days more often then not nothing both driver side & passenger side switch dont do anything. I dont know where to start cuz the regulator seems to roll up & down fine so I leave it to beleave it can be the switches both not making contact. Hopefully I will pull them out soon and investigate.

Sounds to me like the driver's side power window switch (not the "ON-MAIN" switch) needs cleaning or replacing. Try cleaning the contacts on the driver's side...
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Took out the switch and cleaned the contacts also added some dielectric grease and it worked perfectly