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Parts that are "Discontinued"?

14 May 2007
Beaumont, Texas
So as parts get listed "discontinued" for these cars, would it even possible that a few dealers may still have it in stock, or is it that Honda is just not producing anymore?
Why are they even discontinued parts for our NSX? That's the question I want to know. I too try order some parts and it was discontinued. :frown:
Heres an example that clearly don't get. Items 20/21 are still listed for 2005 with no part change number, but are listed "discontinued" for my 91.


- - - Updated - - -

Correction. The last 3 numbers are different but can someone tell me whats different about the actual parts? I have my door panels apart. I'd like some nice new window felt moldings.
Someone should definitely compile /archive a nice list of discontinued and or substitute parts. That would be a huge help.
I got rear caliper rebuild kits and a tan drivers side sunvisor for a 94 from misojdm - locally said discontinued.
He is working in Japan and went to a local Honda dealer and bought them for me - then shipped to my office.
All might not be lost depending on what you need.
BTW - misojdm was great guy to help me out - made multiple trips to the dealer.
Buy him a "beverage of choice" if you can work something out with him.
We see the issue all the time of components not being available from Honda even in Japan.
Thus far we've always found a way of solving it, certainly on the more critical item.

For example 1990-1994 throttle cables that we reproduce.
If there are any other items that are in demand or are critical I'll haply take a look at reproducing them.
Steven it's not listed as discontinued for the 05. The part numbers are slightly off but the part, {unless I'm wrong} should be the same as 91.:confused:
It's crazy that a car last made in 2005 already has discontinued parts, but I've experienced the same issue with my S2000 CR's that were made in 2008.:mad:
I work with BMWs for a living and we can get any part from any year from the manufacturer ( I suspect Mercedes-Benz and Porsche have this same approach ) - it may take awhile and the cost may be breathtaking but you can get it. I own 3 Honda products and this is a problem with all of them as they get older. Honda doesn't care about their heritage and consequently I care less about them all the time; it is also a major reason I won't even consider buying a new NSX.
So as a shot in the dark, I've ordered the 2005 inner door glass felt moldings. If they are identical to my 91 {as they should be} I/we will know some early discontinued items may be available from the later models. I'll post up in a few days.
If there are any other items that are in demand or are critical I'll haply take a look at reproducing them.
The front knuckles for the '91-96 have been discontinued. These are in demand and critical, because the ball joints commonly go bad, and the ball joint is part of the knuckle.
Ok, as promised, heres my update. I received my inner door felt mouldings this morn. Fortunately they are identical to my originals with the exception of, the top strip on mine were chrome, the new ones are black. I've seen both versions on different NSX's. I don't know why chrome was even an option as it did not blend with the rest of the interiors on these cars. Now at least I/we know some discontinued items on early cars are still available but with slightly different part numbers. I hope this helps some of you out there. :wink:
Yes, some of the earliest parts to be discontinued are ones that are still available but only in other colors or finishes (like the discontinued ivory colored sun visors which are still available in black). For obvious reasons, this is less of a concern than parts that don't have fully functional, albeit cosmetically different, replacements available.
shouldnt be that hard, if you have access to the database. Just do a query on the column "discontinued", or the likes.