Parts prices

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA

Okay.. I decided not to pursue the theft recovered 96 NSX, but I have located another beautiful 91 silver NSX near home. I checked out the car yesterday, and the car had 35k miles.

The owner was not aware of the snap ring problem (he apparently never heard of it), but fortunately, the car was out of the snap ring range. It turns out that the car never received any services in clutch, timing belt and water pump. I guess that it's not necessary since it only has 35k miles. However, the owner tells me that the driver sides' main speaker was broken, and the clutch seal needs to be replaced. I have checked FAQ, but cannot find average prices on this particular repair cost. I am trying to make a deal with him, but I don't know how much I should offer.

Any comments will be appreciated.

Do not think that 35K miles means these services are not required. The timing belt is 90K miles OR 6 YEARS, whichever comes first, so it is due.

35K on the OEM clutch may give you some room if it has been driven properly, but 30-50K is average clutch life, IMO.

The speaker thing is a minor cost. I need to understand a little more about the "clutch seal" to understand what needs to be done. Clutch master cylinder (Wet under the pedal?) Slave cylinder (Wet at the trans?)

Make sure the A/C and climate control is OK, read VERY EXPENSIVE.

Timing belt service would be $1200-$1500 at the dealer. Clutch, if required, add $1500-$2000 depending on parts cost and clutch choice.

Silver is beautiful! What color interior?

FYI, my 1991 has 31K miles and I just did the timing belt/water pump/90K service. I sleep better.

Thanks for your advice. It has a black interior. I don't know exactly what he meant by "clutch seal". He never had his car serviced at Acura dealer, but by an independent mechanic, and it was the mechanic's word. Hmm..., I was aware of the cost of timing belt, and water pump.. Perhpas, I should be little more careful about the negotiation.