Partition glass parts


Experienced Member
21 February 2003
The partition glass in my NSX was removed to accommodate a roll cage - I am planning to reinstall the partition. According to the service manual, rubber moldings (two peices, an upper and a lower) are to be installed around the edge of the glass, then a "dam" or border is to be installed (which holds the adhesive in place). I can find the upper and lower dam parts in the NSX parts catalog, but not the rubber moldings.

Has anyone reinstalled a partiton glass? Do you know the part numbers for the moldings?
The partition glass in my NSX was removed to accommodate a roll cage - I am planning to reinstall the partition. According to the service manual, rubber moldings (two peices, an upper and a lower) are to be installed around the edge of the glass, then a "dam" or border is to be installed (which holds the adhesive in place). I can find the upper and lower dam parts in the NSX parts catalog, but not the rubber moldings.

Has anyone reinstalled a partiton glass? Do you know the part numbers for the moldings?


I hope that's what you need.

BTW: these part numbers were taken from a 2000 but I don't think there's any difference in any of the years.
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Thanks for the reply - I did find those parts & part numbers. However, the service manual seems to indicate that there are rubber molding pieces for the partitional glass. The service manual says to first glue on the upper and lower moldings to perimiter edge of the glass, ie, around the outside edge. Those parts are referred to as the upper molding and the lower molding. The service manual then says to glue on the upper and lower dams to the face of the glass 0.5" from the edge. So where you are done, you have a rubber molding around the edge and a rubber molding 1/2 inch from the edge on the face of the glass. The final adhesive is then to be caulked in the 1/2" zone.

So the parts that you found are the upper and lower dam. I can't seem to find any part references to the upper and lower molding. The molding pieces are definitely real parts - there is a channel in the molding for running the wires for the rear winder defogger.