part number for NSX-R steering wheel horn wiring harness?

21 January 2005
Bay Area, CA
I've got an OEM NSX-R steering wheel setup and as some of you know, the wiring of the horn is not as straightforward with the OEM NSX-R hub as it is with other hubs/adapters. I've seen a couple of workarounds posted here on Prime but I'm sure Honda didn't solve it that way. I imagine that they have a harness that they use.

Does anyone happen to know the part number for that harness? I'd prefer that over the workarounds I've seen. I looked in a Japanese Honda parts book and even it didn't have a part number for anything.

I would send a PM/email to ADVANSCPAP, I think he should be someone that might know something about that since he's sold a lot of NSX-R/Type S setups.