Parking Light HELP!!

3 March 2005
Houston TX
Okay okay, I did use the search function and came up with a few listings on "how to change"....

Most likely, due to incompetence I couldn't figure it out. When I look on the underside of the bumper, I see this styrophoam thing in the way of two small holes that look like someone drilled(just looks unprofessional). Now, is this where the screws that I need to take out are located? I tried putting a long screwdriver in there, but it didn't lock onto anything. What am I doing wrong? Can someone who has done this please help me?

--Very NOT-techincal savvy person
NSXFreak00 said:
Okay okay, I did use the search function and came up with a few listings on "how to change"....

Hey Freak! :wink:

I just did this, and if you take a look at this PDF, it might explain things better. If you need help, just give a yell.
