Parents I need advice


15 July 2009
Guys I know this is the place to ask this as NSXPRIME
collective is unmatched on any other forum.

My Child a 2 year old boy is in daycare 2 times a week.

this month he has been bitten by another child three times

not in one day but the last 3 times, the daycare provider tells us it not the same kid that is doing the biting but I doubt its more than one child doing this. we have a meeting this tuesday to discuss the matter.

after reading up using DR.GOOGLE LOL after 1 bite you should remove your child and find another provider. I can understand 1 bite the class is full of only 2 year olds. but 2 then 3 times.
I dont think its fair to my child to have to be scared to go to school cuz he is getting bitten.
now granted I am rough with him Football style father thing, my parents are rough with him football style grandfather thing.
now we have seen him take running dives into other kids at the park
and then he holds hugs them after.

I am not sure if my son is forcing the other child to bite him in defense
as he plays rough.

what would you do in my shoes.

my vote is remove child from this provider and find a better one.
price is no concern.
advice is very welcome.

thanks in advance

Tell your kid to man up and smack the person who is biting him. Sometimes kids bite; it's a phase they go through, and after a time they'll stop. But that doesn't help the kid getting bitten.

Running away is always an option, but the lessons you teach now will carry on throughout life. I'm not suggesting fisticuffs, but if he gets bitten he should push back in a forceful but not damaging way. Let the other kid know that he's not going to get away with that shit anymore.
at your meeting I'm sure the staff should be able to tell you what behaviors are resulting in the biting....If the staff can not figure out who what and why then they are not attentive to the kids and you need to find a better situation.Btw you can only reason with a 2 yo so far......the biggest thing on his mind is the big scary toilet.
thanks guys,

its not a matter of man-ing up LOL he is 2

I think the kid is biting in defense cuz my son prob tackles better than most NFL players
I think the kid is biting in defense cuz my son prob tackles better than most NFL players

If this is true, then the problem is yours, and not the other kid or the school. If you move to a new school he will just tackle kids there, and the problem will continue. You need to teach him proper and acceptable playground behavior.
before you doom yourself to parent purgatory lets hear what the adults watching the children have to say.

Start acting like a father not his buddy. You should never play rough with children. The boy is only 2! Teasing a child is absolutely out unless you want to raise an aggressive kid. Teasing is only fun for half of the parties involved.

Be gentle, kind, loving. Speak softly and read each and every night books like Rain Drop Plop, I Love You More, Good Night Moon, The Hungry Catapillar etc.

And yes, yank him out of that day care.
Buy a tube of Bitter Apple Cream. It's typically used on electrical cords around the garage and house to keep animals from chewing on them.

I suggest rubbing a tube of that up and down you son's arms/legs and let the biting happen one more time. If it will stop an animal it will stop a child...

BTW - It stopped my lop ear rabbit from chewing through my HDMI cables :biggrin:
I have a question for you , how many children per adult ratio at the daycare center to watch them?

When my kids were small, I sent them to daycare and believe by CA law one adult per 4 children from ages 0-2. As they become older, they can have more children per an adult to watch them.

Start acting like a father not his buddy. You should never play rough with children. The boy is only 2! Teasing a child is absolutely out unless you want to raise an aggressive kid. Teasing is only fun for half of the parties involved.

Be gentle, kind, loving. Speak softly and read each and every night books like Rain Drop Plop, I Love You More, Good Night Moon, The Hungry Catapillar etc.

And yes, yank him out of that day care.

some good points....rough housing with your children is ok..but it has to be done sparingly and in the framework of "free play"..most of your liesure time with your son at 2 should be imaginative play,with a stimulating environment,lots of love and attention should be working on fine motor skills with blocks ect...not just wrestling...
Even still, your child my have an aggressive temperment (I have three boys, one same age as yours and another 1-year old). These younger two LOVE to rough house. They don't actually pursue the behavior, though. Every once in a while, we will play fight and I make the cool sound effects etc and they just love it. In your son's case, that behavior may be a part of his personality, so at this age, getting it under control will be a matter of pushing nurture over nature (later you'll have to teach him the responsible/honorable use of force, but that's way above his head right now).

If you can make temporary arrangements that take him out of daycare until you can talk to the staff, that might be your best bet before making a permanent decision.

If your son is being attacked, that's another matter. I would try and find out if there are other kids being bitten, and get the parents of the biting children involved. If their kids can't stop biting, I'd write a letter to the daycare manager requesting that those kids not be allowed to attend. I would also remove my son from that daycare until such a time as my request was granted.

Toddlers are at a tricky stage, as they cannot really be reasoned with. They really only copy everything they see/hear, and they are experimenting with their personal autonomy...

I hope that this all goes well for you and your boy. I will say a prayer for you two.
Lock your kid and the biting kid in a dank basement and chain both of their legs to something rigid. Tell them "you want to play a game" and in order for the biting kid to escape, he will have to gnaw off his own foot. That should hopefully traumatize him enough that he'll kick the biting habit.
My friends and I are dressing up as these Aussies for Halloween. I can be convinced to make a special appearance for your son in exchange for some NSX parts.

Lock your kid and the biting kid in a dank basement and chain both of their legs to something rigid. Tell them "you want to play a game" and in order for the biting kid to escape, he will have to gnaw off his own foot. That should hopefully traumatize him enough that he'll kick the biting habit.

I like this. Reminds me of Theodoric Of York:

"I think a little more bloodletting and some boar's vomit, and he'll be just fine."
~ Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber
Interesting post and good timing, I just put my 22 month old into day care starting last Tuesday so today marks her 2nd week.

Let me first say I was quite apprehensive about putting my kid in daycare period but my wife believes it will help her social skills so we are giving it a try.

In regards to your issue, I think you got two problems on your hand:

a) IF you are teaching your child to be aggressive, then it may be your own problem since the other kid may be defending themselves.....? Does the school have video tape? Oddly enough my daughter got into an accident on the 2nd day and bruised/cut her head. I was surprised to get a call at the office but they immediately called me to report the exact accident and told me what happened and offered to show me the video. Since it was a first time incident, I declined to watch the video out of courtesy since accidents do happen. But if it was the 2nd or 3rd time you can bet I want to see that video.

b) If he is getting bitten because lack of supervision or the teacher cannot explain the problem after your meeting, I would pull him out because that shows they are not paying attention. I would watch their behavior at home when they are playing with other kids. This usually will give you big clues on their typical behavior.

Toddlers at this age is sometimes tough to handle and do strange things without warning. I know my daughter can be perfectly calm watching Pokoyo and suddenly decide to knock over a glass! (speaking from experience)

Either way you have a problem on your hand and I would do some detective work to see the root cause.

I'm not sure if CA law states the ratio is 1 to 4 or 1 to 6. I have to go look that up myself.
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I like this. Reminds me of Theodoric Of York:

"I think a little more bloodletting and some boar's vomit, and he'll be just fine."
~ Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber

Lol, I was going a little more in the SAW direction,


but anything that involved bloodletting and boar's vomit is good enough to change my vote!
Must have been a full moon or something in the water.
My 2 y.o was also bitten by another child yesterday in the cheek. The perpetrator was identified and on video. I also opt not to see the video since this is the first occurance. I just wanted to know if my son was the trouble maker. The staff there all said that the other kid was just violent. His battle wound looked pretty bad when I came to pick him up. As any parent may feel, it hurts me to see my son hurt. Surprisingly
I was quite calm about the entire situation and understand that these things do happen. But bitten 3 times, that's a different prob.
I would ask the director their bitting policy. Some are 3 strikes and the kid is out. Today the director put him in a 3 y.o class to prevent further problems. Important thing is our daycare took care of the situation before it could occur again.
I don't think your child's daycare is very attentive for this to happen for the 3rd time.
Something I do that may help you in the future if you haven't done so already.
I always drop him off and pick him up and I use that time to get to know the staff there. I ask questions about my son's behavior and if he is napping or eating, fighting, happy...etc. When I pick him up, I watch him from a distance to see how he behaves with others and how the teacher interacts with him. These are little clues to better understand him and the enviorment when we are not around. Sorry for rambling... I know how you must feel.
Guys I know this is the place to ask this as NSXPRIME
collective is unmatched on any other forum.

My Child a 2 year old boy is in daycare 2 times a week.

this month he has been bitten by another child three times

not in one day but the last 3 times, the daycare provider tells us it not the same kid that is doing the biting but I doubt its more than one child doing this. we have a meeting this tuesday to discuss the matter.

after reading up using DR.GOOGLE LOL after 1 bite you should remove your child and find another provider. I can understand 1 bite the class is full of only 2 year olds. but 2 then 3 times.
I dont think its fair to my child to have to be scared to go to school cuz he is getting bitten.
now granted I am rough with him Football style father thing, my parents are rough with him football style grandfather thing.
now we have seen him take running dives into other kids at the park
and then he holds hugs them after.

I am not sure if my son is forcing the other child to bite him in defense
as he plays rough.

what would you do in my shoes.

my vote is remove child from this provider and find a better one.
price is no concern.
advice is very welcome.

thanks in advance


Like it's been said, if your boy is aggressive, and diving into other kids, it could be that they are biting him in self defense.

My son is 24 now but there was a toddler who bit him on a couple of occasions, out of the blue, when my son was around 9. There are biter kids out there.

I hope your meeting on Tuesday gives you a lot more to go on to be able to decide what's really going on. You don't have enough information yet.
way back when I was in first grade a kid had bitten father found out and said what many fathers do.........if he bites bite him back. Well the next day I saw the kid and before he could bite me I bit him straight on his face......blood and everything......Hannibal Lecter style.......i was never bitten again..............
way back when I was in first grade a kid had bitten father found out and said what many fathers do.........if he bites bite him back. Well the next day I saw the kid and before he could bite me I bit him straight on his face......blood and everything......Hannibal Lecter style.......i was never bitten again..............

Awesome. :biggrin: