pakistan and india---world stability concerns?

19 December 2001
lee's summit mo 64064
just curious as to the best thinking of everyone else on this board, as we all know we are all obviously bright as demonstrated by our choice of the nsx

with the nuclear status of pakistan and india and their longstanding antagonism towards one another, is anyone else worried??

these countries, as i understand it, have had nuclear weapons pointed at each other for years. it appears that these two nations are to no small extent the yin and yang of this region, and a war between the two would implode the whole region.

i was really alarmed at their rapid deterioration over the last year, as we saw upheaval within the governments of these countries.

your thoughts?
Congrats on your new arrival Huckster. Funny how 8.5 lbs can make one focus on the bigger picture aka this post.

There is a lot of instability out there right now and not only in India/Pakistan. My .02 is concern over the growing tension with Iraq and what it could trigger. I do believe Saddam should be ousted but timing and support is crucial. (Let the skeptics think what they may about Chainey and his corporate ties. If this coincides w/Saddam being removed, so be it). It does not excuse the fact that this man is a menace.

That said, such a move, HOWEVER, could trigger a domino effect not only in the Middle East (Israel will become ground zero)
but also, India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan, N and S Korea (although less likely).

As much tension as there is, I do not think India and Pakistan will be the initiators of a conflict. I do think they could, however follow suit if America and the UN's attentions are diverted elsewhere.

This seems like a more possible scenario although I hope I'm wrong.
First of all, Congrats on the new arrival

Regarding the tension in South Asia, I think being Nuclear powers is what has prevented a war between India and Pakistan. Both countries are smart enough to realize that if they do go to war, both will come out as losers.

From what I have read, it seems like Pakistan is more willing to bring Peace in the region than India though.

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