On my H&R lowered '91, I wouldn't dream of it. No amount of careful driving has kept that road scraper from duly performing its duty at least once every couple of months, if only in a minor way. Some areas, like those paved only with marl, a mixture of clay and oyster shell, develop washout pits that just beg to be plowed. The median crossovers are dipped to act as part of the drainage system for the highway, and can be dipped to an alarming extent. I never venture into one of these, even the shallowest, without a careful survey, and generally a very narrow angle of approach, rarely perpendicular.
There are few driveways that don't get a thumbs down, even if they are just dipped slightly for curbside drainage. Coming out of businesses onto main thoroughfares usually means a scraping sound. I don't know how it looks when it is scraping, and I don't think I want to see.
So, why live with it? Right...It looks good, and I didn't put the springs in. I understand it is a real bear to undo the H&Rs, and then the car will not look as good. I think I will just paint it with a kind of grained paint with a matte finish, in hopes of covering the sanding I will have to do.