Painting Factory Cluster Rings?

3 April 2004
East Bay
I like to update the look of my instrument gauges and like to ask the paint experts here that if it's a good idea to paint/spray the factory ones to make it look shinny. Will it come out nice?

Thanks in advance. :wink:
Nice idea, could look good. I assume your color is red? I would say go for it as long as you remove it from the car, that way you can properly mask and prep the piece.
That would look good, but if I was going to go through the labor of taking the cluster and rings out, I'd instead get the polished aluminum Stacy's cluster rings from SOS.
Painting the plastic ones will cost you paint prep, etc and for not much more, you might be able to get the aluminum ones, which look really good when lit up at night.

Have a look at this thread as it might help you decide on which way to go and whats involved with the painting option.

If you go the paint route, take your time and build the depth over several light layers, allowing each one to dry before applying the next. This will avoid you getting paint drips that would be hard to remove and spoil the end result.

HTH, Paul