we get 2 SLR's and a GTR all the tme @ out local meets...and an lp640 (gold)..enzo...couple 430's and finally an salen.....
cant touch that van though
The Econoline? :tongue:
Most of the exotics I don't bother taking pictures of, perhaps 85% of the Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc., as they're in the same state as they came off the showroom, they're at the meet weekly, and you typically see them a few times a week anyway, they're no longer special. I crossed the country in my nsx, and attracted a slight degree of attention, until I crossed the state line into California, then people no longer cared
Modified cars, unusual vehicles (such as the Delorean, Econoline, etc.) are what causes me to stop and snap a few shots at these types of meets. The PAG meet has attracted some very interesting vehicles, an F2003 Ferrari F1 car, Maser M12, a few different Enzos, Veyrons, F50, F40, etc. have attended this meet, I think this makes it unique, if only for variety.