Owner's Manual

7 May 2006
I'm trying to find a downloadable copy of a '91/'92 owner's manual. There seems to be various links to Repair/Service Manuals but no owner's manual. Does anyone know where one can be found online?
Hopefully one day I'll have the real thing. But for now, I'll just have to learn about the car online.

Thanks. This is a wonderful community.
There is more to be learned in the FAQ here on prime than in the manual. I would suggest you read the online copy of the NSX book given to all buyers of the car in 1991. It's good stuff.
You can buy the printed version here. And if you own an NSX (or any car, for that matter), you should really have the owner's manual in your glove compartment.
I bought mine on eBay for about $20 from a vendor who handles automobile users manuals....but it's kind of hit and miss on availability. I don't think there were too many changes until '94 so any of the early years would probably get 99% of it .. if you're not fussy.