Owner's Manual Scan Favour?

25 September 2012
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Hey Prime,

So I think everyone has taken advantage of the Service Manual found on the NSX wiki.

Can anyone do us all a favour and post a scanned copy of their owner's manual?

I have found a website that re-prints the original owners manual (likely on loose leaf paper and put in a binder). But this service costs ~$60 USD. Ultimately I'd rather have the hard original copy for nostalgic reasons (I think everyone would).
But, rather than spend $60 to get a scanned copy, is there a primer out there bold enough to scan their owner's manual and post it up here for the NSX community to share?

It is my understanding many NSX' have lost their owner's manuals, and while they may be fairly uninformative, I'd like to have one, or at least a scanned version for my '91.

If anyone could do the community and myself this big favour, we would all be grateful!



P.S. Reprinting website here.
Lucas, as you need the manual how about doing some work to get it rather than asking someone to do it for you?
Why don't you contact some owners in your area who have an owner's manuals and arrange to get some scanned.
Then you can print off a copy for yourself and upload one for the Prime Wiki doing others a service.
As I do not have permission to modify the wiki, I recommend using this link provided in NSaneXr's post for other who may want an owners manual!
Also, this page of the wiki is helpful, and this thread.

Thanks for the link NSanXr. Worked like a charm.