owner/service manuals

31 October 2003
Saxton, Pa
I see that Helminc.com offers the owners and service manuals on a print-as-needed basis, but they say that no wiring diagrams are included. I'd like to have them as well.
Has anyone ordered theirs from them? Are they worthwile?

I know the 91 service manual is on this site, but I'm on a 26K dialup (no Redneck jokes please) and it takes forever to view. Does anyone have the 91 stuff on CD?

Any other sources for the manuals?
Hi! I can burn you the CD with the service manual on it. Shoot me your address and I'll get it to you in the mail. I don't have the wiring diagrams, unfortunately... They'd be nice to have, though.

Are you a member of the 928 Owner's club, by any chance? Your name is familiar...

Don Davis