Owner does NA1 conversion??

This car has been discussed before It's a salvaged NSX that was fixed using cheap used parts. I've seen the car around town and it looks like crap.
Why do you call it an "NA1 conversion"? Do you have any reason to believe that the 3.2-liter NA2 engine in it was replaced with the 3.0-liter NA1 engine? Or are you making the mistake of confusing the front end with the pop-up headlights (as sold on the 1991-2001 NSX, including cars with either engine) with the NA1 engine code?
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The same reason people call it an "02 conversion", usually meaning just the front end, not necessary an engine swap and all the other stuff that comes along with it.

Why do you call it an "NA1 conversion"? Do you have any reason to believe that the 3.2-liter NA2 engine in it was replaced with the 3.0-liter NA1 engine? Or are you making the mistake of confusing the front end with the pop-up headlights (as sold on the 1991-2001 NSX, including cars with either engine) with the NA1 engine code?
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Except the body changes actually began in '02, so it makes sense to call the body changes an '02 conversion. Unlike the NA1 engine code, which has nothing to do with the body.
After looking at some pics... it appears this car was originally BLACK?

Then again, unless someone purposely painted the engine bay a different color.
wth? good eye.

this thing will never sell for 45 grand. branded title plus crappy job. why would anyone want their 02+ to look 15 years older?

After looking at some pics... it appears this car was originally BLACK?

Then again, unless someone purposely painted the engine bay a different color.
lol, I thought by the title the guy put a 3.0L in it.
Still pretty crazy to put a 1991-2001 front bumper and lights on a 2002+.
I can't think of anything that would destroy the value more, other than the salvage title.
Personally I like the popups more, even if I bought an 02+ I would convert it back. This looks terrible though
Personally I like the popups more, even if I bought an 02+ I would convert it back. This looks terrible though

I would bet that mod cuts about $20-25,000 of the cars value instantly
Takes a car that's worth $75,000 used, and turns it into a car worth maybe $50,000?
Something to think about.
Probably smarter if you want pop-up headlights on a newer NSX to buy a 2001.

I would bet that mod cuts about $20-25,000 of the cars value instantly
Takes a $75,000 car and turns it into a $50,000 car.
Something to think about.
Probably smarter if you want pop-up headlights on a newer NSX to buy a 2001.


Of course that route makes much more sense and is what I'm pursuing. Just figured if I'm somehow "stuck" with an 02+ I'd make someone's day and trade them for popup parts so they can do an 02+ conversion. Value doesn't matter to me as I'd never sell.
I always think if this sticker NO sticker then its an NA2 right NSXTASY ?

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Something else to consider: There were thousands of pop up NSXs built for North America, approximately 8000 total. 02+? Less than 1000.

To convert an 02+ to popup takes an already extremely rare car, and butchers it.
That engine bay is horribly filthy. They put more effort in the ad than they did cleaning the car. How does a 21k mile engine bay get so bad?
That engine bay is horribly filthy. They put more effort in the ad than they did cleaning the car. How does a 21k mile engine bay get so bad?

Not to mention all the RED overspray. This car looks like a nightmare.
Someone took the time to make her sound like a steal. What you guys think... how much would you pay to look past all the negatives and consider her a "steal"?

I've seen this car and spoken to the owner. You're not getting it for a steal and it's a POS. End of story.
Something else to consider: There were thousands of pop up NSXs built for North America, approximately 8000 total. 02+? Less than 1000.

To convert an 02+ to popup takes an already extremely rare car, and butchers it.

yikes, never thought about that. i take back everything i said :)
I've seen this car and spoken to the owner. You're not getting it for a steal and it's a POS. End of story.

Did he mention his reasons for ruining this car? Why change the color too? Did he expect to never sell? If he fixed it on the cheap then you'd think he'd accept less for it. But I can see how he wouldn't want to sell in the $30k range bc the car is much newer than the 90s models in that range and may be fine mechanically. But a clean 01 would be the better choice in the same price range so....It was really dumb to convert it to the pop ups. But like you said it was fixed on the cheap.