Overfilled oil?

28 March 2014
Seattle, WA
Hi all…. This past weekend I did an oil change on my 04 NSX and somehow I overfilled the oil I think. Still not sure how that happened, but I drained and replaced the filter pre-filled with oil, and then added 5 quarts, but the dipstick reads above the top mark by the same distance as the top to bottom mark!

I haven’t started it up yet since the oil change, and now I’m wondering if I can somehow get some oil back out without making a huge mess or doing a complete drain and fill again.

I have a hand pump for fluids and a semi-rigid tube that looks like it may fit into the dipstick hole, but not sure if it will get kinked up trying to make its way all the way down to the oil.

Has anyone tried sucking oil out from the dipstick hole before? Or do you guys think I should start it up first and see if the dipstick reading drops after? I’m not quite sure what to do.
When you start it, the oil level will drop a bit as the oil passages get filled back up again, but probably not enough from the sound of it. Be sure you're measuring with the NSX level.

I've never tried getting oil out of the dipstick hole, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try very carefully? The other option is checking the oil level 12,473 more times. :)

It's actually not impossible to take a little out of the bottom if you overfill it, if you have jack stands or a lift. With a pan underneath, unscrew the drain plug while keeping significant axial pressure on it. When the thread skips, you know you're completely unthreaded and you can just transiently let the plug a bit away from the opening, taking out what you need, then thread it back in. Don't ask me how I know this. :(

Your sig doesn't have your model info. My C32 takes 4.73 litres (5 quarts) to refill but I empty it thoroughly, lowering the jack to tilt the engine to the right, and the 4.73 litres includes the oil I prefill the filter with. Handily, Mobil 1 comes in 4.73 litre jugs.
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Thanks for the replies. I guess I’ll try getting some oil out of the dipstick hole first, and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll try pulling the drain plug just for a few secs and try not to make a mess.

I drained the car with the right rear jacked up and the tire removed, but I have to say I didn’t lower it back down after the plug was removed, so maybe I didn’t get as much old oil out as I could have?? Then I prefilled the oil filter and poured a complete 5 quart jug of Mobil 1 in. Still not sure why my oil level is so high. I have an 04 so it’s the c32a motor. Maybe it’s really 4.5 quarts and I shouldn’t have poured the entire 5 quart jug in?
Just looked at an oil pan laying around my garage (an extra). Looks like it could hold some oil if the right side was up even a little bit. Good luck trying to drain "just a little" he-he.
You can run the car for a bit and then remove the filter, dump it, re-install, re-check the level, and repeat if necessary. Probably less messy than trying to drain just a little from the plug.
I did it! For those wondering, yes it’s possible to suck oil out of the dipstick tube. It just takes a very long time as the hose has to be small enough to fit in the dipstick tube and then you pump and wait as a small dribble comes out a bit at a time and you repump and repeat. I ended up pumping out about 1 quart before it was right at the top mark on the dipstick. I think not lowering the right rear down when draining left more oil in the oil pan than I thought. Then pre-filling the filter and dumping the entire 5 quart jug in made it almost 1 quart overfilled.

I learned my lesson… in the future, put in 4.5 quarts and then add more as needed and NOT put in all 5 quarts in the jug just to have to remove it later. Much easier adding than subtracting!
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