Over 600,000 views...wow!

5 October 2005
Appleton WI
This was a video Steve (NSX3.0) shot over a year ago. Mainly to show the VRH system in action and do a quick fly-by. I didn't think it would get any interest to be honest. The car was still a little rough around the edges from the wrap etc.

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GDQuhvlATfk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There has been quite a bite done sense then (including engine work) and I'm going to try and get an updated video together.

... I get a kick out of all the "air bag" comments
I remember seeing it about a year ago.. Still a killer car! Does not surprise me it has had that many views. I have actually linked that video in email to 2 out of the 3 people I have sold VRH kits to haha. Thanks!
Jeff - If you take a look at the autoblog.com coverage of LoveFab's nutty Pike's Peak NSX, you'll see in the comments someone mentioned something to the effect of.. "look at the Jeff's White NSX 2.0..." in reference to your car. You're getting a shoutout all over the place my friend. Good work!

Tell Steve hello and thanks for the package!
Jeff - If you take a look at the autoblog.com coverage of LoveFab's nutty Pike's Peak NSX, you'll see in the comments someone mentioned something to the effect of.. "look at the Jeff's White NSX 2.0..." in reference to your car. You're getting a shoutout all over the place my friend. Good work!

Tell Steve hello and thanks for the package!

I didn't see that till now. That is funny.

I'll let Steve know.