out running the coppers!

7 August 2002
city of angels
Just going out on a limb, not that i would ever dare risk such a thing but i do live in the "car chase capital" of the world. Have you ever thought about out running a cop? and if so what would you do? parking structure? 3rd gear?
I know you guys have a creative mind, just interesting if you guys would care and share such details. I mean c'mon, you know your car is fast and well..i hope i'm not the only one that has ever thought this way.

I know i will get some beef for this thread but hell it's late and i was just wondering.
A friend of a friend of a friend once told me that I, I mean he passed a cop on a highway at about 2:30am at about 125mph. He saw the cop turn his lights on so he decided he was already in alot of trouble and decided to nail it. Got up to 150 and got off the next exit and stayed at a friends house, parked his car in his garage. Not much of a chase as he saw the lights fade in the rear view mirror.
My friend got caught and was placed in jail for 16 months. He had a clean record and was never, ever in any other touble with the law prior.

He lost his job, girlfriend, and will be on probation for the next 6 years. He also lost is licence for 3 years too.

He never thought he was going to get caught but the police showed up at his door the next day.

Be careful and smart... dont do it.
"Red NSX with grey wheels and custom body?...Wasn't me officer."
Originally posted by medusa:
Have you ever thought about out running a cop? ...I know you guys have a creative mind, just interesting if you guys would care and share such details.

Well, I hope a motorcycle story qualifies. These three guys went out riding their sportbikes one fine evening last summer. (One of them looks like me...but it wasn't me [hehe]). They were riding an R1, R6, and F4i down some incredible country roads: 2-lanes of smooth, new pavement with nice straights sprinkled with long, constant-radius sweepers and plenty of elevation changes. Well, these guys were getting bored in the double-digit speeds and decided to hunker down, grab a handful of throttle, and spice it up a bit. A few seconds later they became a blurry triangle of bright colors moving at 140-160 mph. You could say they were sort of a road-going UFO. The lead changed a few times and until one passed a tractor trailer over double-yellows but got stuck behind a car that was in front of the truck. The truck driver, obviously annoyed by the first bike's blistering perfomance, was now snaking both lanes in an attempt to keep the other two bikes behind him. This lasted on a minute or so, until the road opened up and both bikes roared past like two angry hornets. Now the triangle of crotch rockets shot off again and quickly lost sight of the truck. It was probably around this point that the trucker got on his CB radio and called the authorities. more...
The crew continued their ultra-high speed session for another few minutes until finally making their way back to the main highway and stopping to discuss the experience at a fastfood parking lot. The sun was starting to set and the one who lived farthest away bid them good night and proceded to the red light of a 4-way intersecton that crossed the main highway to head home (east). As luck would have it a cop Jeep approached the light at the exact same time from the south. When our protagonist crossed the intersection, abiding by all laws and rolling through at 20mph, the cop turned right to follow him and flipped on his lights. Our protagonist nailed it and he and his machine catapulted through the next 100 yards in about 2 seconds before disappearing out of site. Our two remaining heroes hauled A in the opposite direction away from the highway to a T-bone in the road. At this point another patrol unit with flashing lights blasts past from left to right at a high rate of speed. Was he looking for sportbikes?? hmmm. Figuring that the cops were looking for 3 bikes, not two, and that no one would be ballsy enough to follow the cop, our remaining two protagonists turned right (towards the cop) and proceeded at snail's pace. The cop was now out of site. About a mile down the road, the cop is now coming back after after oviously pulling a [Dukes of Hazard-style] U-turn. At the site of this our protagonists begin contemplating plan B (usually more thottle). The cop passes and does not return. Two of our heroes return home safely before opting to travel exclusively by car for about two weeks.

It turns out that our runaway rider got stopped by heavy traffic and a stoplight. And altough the lucky guy got a ticket, he was not hauled off to jail (license was previously suspended!!). He stated that he was not evading the Jeep cop. The Jeep cop, it turns out, was miles away in a driveway during the previous high-speed session and pulled out--lights on--behind the three bikes. The ticketed biker told the cop none had seen him. All were going too fast to even realize they were being chased!

In a strange turn of events, one of our three street racers in the story has a connection who has a connection who knows the Jeep cop. So the cop (young guy) states that he used to ride sportbikes in this manner and that was his reason for being so unusually sympathetic with the one he caught up to.

There are several morals to this story:
(1) The best place to enjoy the true potential of your machine is on the track.
(2) If you choose to push it on public roads, get into a super-alert racing frame of mind, pick your road carefully, understand that things happen REALLY fast at speed, and the potential for large problems grows exponentially the longer you stay above 130mph (or 150, 170, etc). This may mean jail, wheelchair, or death.
(3) This is a fun story to tell drinking buddies, but they don't all end up this way. Those people who have burned up more than their nine lives already (me) should be more cautious than most.
Originally posted by Zanardi 50:
No it's not just you.

Agreed and it's a shame, IMO.

Although I don't own an NSX (I've got the baby brother S2K) I really like this board. It's full of mature, wise, and balanced individuals who don't necessariy drive the smae car that I do, but certainly have similar passions.

I liked the fact that there weren't "kill stories" and "hey I outran Jonny Law" posts here before. True, I could just avoid the thread and not read it, but I think this kind of behaviour (and the celebration of it) is a very bad idea. It's irresponsible, selfish, and childish. Let's all remember that its not just us out on the roads.

When you decide that its worth your while to run the freeway at 120mph or outrun the cops, your putting my life at risk. I'm out there sharing the same roads as you. More importantly, to me at least, so is my wife, my sister, my Grandmother, and my friends. I will not celebrate your putting them at risk and you shouldn't either.

Rant over.
Da Hapa,
I agree with all of you. I posted a story about high speeds & Jonny Law as a diversion in the properly-categoried Off Topic section that was relevant to the original posting. I think my story was entertaining and that's why I posted it. I do not condone this type of behavior and that is why I wrote what I did at the bottom. But believe it or not, there are roads that exist that are better than others for high speed driving. An interstate would not be an example. I personally am new to this forum and don't want to be viewed as childish. I have a family, house, job, resposibilities, etc like most of you and none of that is childish.

I just find it hard to believe that so many of you purchase/enjoy 165mph-capable cars and NEVER break the law. What restraint!
We can always go back to talking about waxing our cars with Zaino or Zymol. Real fun.... If nobody gets hurt I don't see a problem with talking about fun stories with our cars. However if you get caught you have to be man enough to suffer the penalty.

[This message has been edited by nsxlover (edited 28 August 2002).]
Originally posted by kgb_agent:
Da Hapa,
I agree with all of you. I posted a story about high speeds & Jonny Law as a diversion in the properly-categoried Off Topic section that was relevant to the original posting. I think my story was entertaining and that's why I posted it. I do not condone this type of behavior and that is why I wrote what I did at the bottom. But believe it or not, there are roads that exist that are better than others for high speed driving. An interstate would not be an example. I personally am new to this forum and don't want to be viewed as childish. I have a family, house, job, resposibilities, etc like most of you and none of that is childish.

I just find it hard to believe that so many of you purchase/enjoy 165mph-capable cars and NEVER break the law. What restraint!

I hear you and I wasn't really meaning to single you out.

For what it's worth, I'm no saint. I routinely drive 72 mph on the 65 mph limited freeways here. I've also been known to do a CA coast through some stop signs when it's late at night. We all do this and that's not the kind of behaviour that I'm talking about.

I was referring to racing through traffic at 100 mph or trying to outrun the cops no matter what time of day it is.

Pushing the limits of you and your car should be limited to the track, IMO.
I got busted my 4th day owning my NSX, just over 8 years ago.

I had just bought it and was excited about seeing what it could do.

At around 3am on an open straight freeway, where I could see several miles down the road, I saw no lights so I decided to punch it.

As I hit around 140mph, I blew by a cop sitting on the side of the road with his lights turned off... needless to say his lights came on instantly and he jumped on the freeway.

I pulled over and waited for him to catch up, it took him almost 5 full minutes, and I was already stopped.

I knew I was in trouble, and did my best to be polite about the situation but the officer had other intentions.

After a grueling session of him chewing me out, and accusing me of stealing the car (I was only 18 at the time), along with probing me for information about my job, living status, and even information about what my parents do for a living. It resulted with me walking away with a hefty speeding ticket.

He didn't know how fast I was really going and I avoided the question everytime he asked, he wrote me up for 95 in a 65.

I have not received another moving violation ticket in my NSX or any of my other vehicles since that date. Fix it tickets (no front plate, loud exhaust), but no moving violations.

Could I have outrun him? Sure, I had no plates on my car, and was a good 2+ miles down the road before he was even at cruising speeds, I had several choices of exits and places to "hide" but I played it smart, and just ate the ticket, and to some degree Im glad I did.

Outrunning is dangerous, not only do you put yourself in danger, but you endanger the lives of others as well.

You can outrun a cop, but you can't outrun a radio.

Be safe...

that is certainly a very responsible thing to do, to be honest, if i was 2+ miles ahead of the cop, late at night, honestly, i would think twice about stopping and wait for the cop. However, not to bring the maturity level down, I am extra careful when i drive the nsx out. I have 2 points on my record, and the financial penalty that came with it really 'helped' me being aware of speed limits of all the streets that I am on.
I never really thought of outrunning a cop but I guess the purpose of owning NSX is to feel young again....

Just a perspective.
...Fifteen people were injured in four separate collisions involving five police vehicles responding in Manhattan Tuesday night. Six police officers and two other people were injured on the Upper West Side when three different police vehicles crashed while responding to the same armed robbery...
I guess if the NSX came with a cloaking device, you could try it.. other than that, you would be a foo!
My brother is a State Cop in RI. He used the same quote: "You can't outrun a radio" Given it's an NSX and you're "around home base" odds are against you. Kind of makes me yearn for the good old days in my Ford Festiva....

twee siwendas uv contwolled fewy...hahahaha
Originally posted by Sketch:
<a href="http://www.brunching.com/hazzardtest.html">http://www.brunching.com/hazzardtest.html</a>

LOL ! ROFL!! Buahahahahaha !!!!
Man I'm in tears!! That's the funniest $H*T I've ever come across in a long time !
"Just two good old boys,
Never meaning no harm.
Beats all you ever you saw,
Been in trouble with the law
Since the day they were born.
Straightening the curves,
Flattenin the hill.
Someday the mountain
Might get them but the law never will.
Makin their way-
The only way they know how
That's just a little bit more
Than the law will allow.
Makin their way-,
The only way they know how.
That's just a little bit more
Than the law will allow.
Just two good old boys
Couldn't change if they could.
Fightin' the system like two modern-day Robin Hoods."

-- DavidV

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