our nsx just got more rare

10 March 2005
atlanta, ga
anyone recognize this nsx? my son-in-law saw it on a carrier in mississippi during a business trip a couple of days ago. can't even tell what year it is due to the amount of damage. hopefully no one was injured in this accident/rollover.
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Shawn is a magician, he will return the life has this nsx, to make a queen of the road of it :smile:
looks to me that its early from the hard top roof and black top side.

other than that, i dont recognize it but hope all involved in the accident are ok.
lol shawn will drive that to europe pick up the wrecked one in the UK and drive both back across the atlantic together,stradaling the cars, no really he will......back to reality,,It would be a great data point for all of us to know how the driver made out and if the seatbelt was used.
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Will probably be magically back with a "clean" title and selling as a "perfect specimen" and used as a benchmark of what a "cream puff" NSX "should go for" in about two months ;)
I'm thinking those dings just may buff out. :smile:

I would guess there are quite a few parts that would be nice to have from the car. But surely a total. It would cost more $$$ to repair than it is worth.

I wonder if any cars were damaged in all the tornadoes down south this past week?

I had mine out for the first time this year last weekend, both Saturday and Sunday... I almost forgot how much fun it was to drive... and how pretty it is (having been covered up all winter).
yeah def an earlier model. like Arista5 said. coupe prob a 1991

I would buy it but I have to many now. my GF would leave me. haha

when did he see this wreck I wonder if it will be on at auction soon?

it will sell for 19K-25K seen it before.

I saw one worse than that flipped crushed roof, smashed front end. it sold for 19,000 to a guy in South America.

and you guys are right I would strap 2 NSX's together and float the bastards across the Atlantic and pay NO import fees.

If you guys ever see a wrecked NSX climb up and get the vin number
and a pic. it will help Us ALL out in the long run.

or if you see a real beat up one, or one thats real dirty take a pic and vin.

so we can see how the " owned by a little old lady " really keeps her car

so guys Always keep you car waxed and cleaned you never know when it gonna be posted online as the dirtiest NSX ever.
It's a 1991-1994. All the tell tale signs are in the interior (like dual airbags, etc). . or like everyone said, the VIN.
Anyone checked Craigslist or Ebay yet?
I would expect a post soon asking about whether it will be a good purchase to repair it.
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