Our NSX is Gone

19 October 2004
Oro Valley, Arizona
Sold the NSX today. :( Heather and I definitely have mixed feelings and hate to see the car go. Having owned two NSXs over the last 7+ years we absolutely enjoy the car and this community immensely. We've been fortunate to meet so many incredible people and lifelong friends. From Heather being the SW Region Rep for NSXCA and us being significantly involved with planning and executing of NSXPO '05 we've been in contact with a lot of exceptional individuals.

We'll probably still be online here a bit and are still considering MAYBE going to NSXPO this year in LV. Overall we just haven't been able to enjoy the car enough since our daughter was born 2 1/2 years ago and with another little one due in about a month this is certainly the correct decision but it's still very sad to see the car go. It was an awesome vehicle and hopefully the new owner enjoys it as much as we have. The Pacific NW has another Grand Prix White heading up there.

Thanks to everyone who we've met and who has contributed to making the NSX community the fantastic group that it continues to be. It certainly made our time with the car enjoyable.
Sorry to hear it's gone. Yours was always my favorite wide body GPW and I've been watching it for sale for a long time. I would have loved to trade mine for it. Congrats to the new owner and to you and the new addition to the family. Hopefully you guys will be back in another NSX before you know it.
Very nice car. I remember seeing it when i purchased my kit from SOS in 04. I'm sure you'll be back, hope you were happy with the new owner. Good luck with having a new lil one. I'd be in tears if i had to let mine go!!:eek:
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I know you two loved that car,but 2 children is a handful:wink: Congrats on the second!Please stay in touch with us on prime.Btw you can probably still hear your car from its new location:tongue:
I can understand your mixed feelings. But your friends are still your friends.

Hope you can make it to Vegas for NSXPO, I'd love to see you both again. Congrats on the pending new arrival too!
Wow, so literally the day I move to Tucson my only local NSX contacts sell their car! :frown: I understand why, of course, but it's sad to see your car go.

Penny and I are renting down by Ina and Oracle as we search for a house to buy. Let me know if you guys want to meet up! Maybe I can let you borrow Samantha sometime if you want to get your NSX fix in. :smile:
You'll be back my friend! You and Heather should definitely attend NSXPO.

We'd like to think so Hugh. We're definitely not going to stop looking and posting on Prime, but even that is more difficult to find time for with the one and soon to be two kids. Hopefully we'll make it for NSXPO this year, but with the second child expected only about a month prior it is kind of up in the air still.

FeetFxr said:
Sorry to hear it's gone. Yours was always my favorite wide body GPW and I've been watching it for sale for a long time. I would have loved to trade mine for it. Congrats to the new owner and to you and the new addition to the family. Hopefully you guys will be back in another NSX before you know it.

White is definitely a great color for the car! Thanks for the kind words.

Ko-nsx said:
Very nice car. I remember seeing it when i purchased my kit from SOS in 04. I'm sure you'll be back, hope you were happy with the new owner. Good luck with having a new lil one. I'd be in tears if i had to let mine go!!

You know how much fun the widebodies are and I'm sure the new owner will enjoy it. He certainly looked happy driving away. He is on Prime so he can chime in if he wants to but the car should be seeing some track time.

docjohn said:
I know you two loved that car,but 2 children is a handful Congrats on the second!Please stay in touch with us on prime.Btw you can probably still hear your car from its new location

Yeah, one child can be a handful at times and I'm sure two will be even more so...especially if they're both like their mom. :tongue: We absolutely loved the car and enjoyed meeting people like yourself and sharing some fun times. We certainly could hear the car driving away for a little bit, and it was kind of depressing. I hope your ears still aren't ringing from NSXPO '05 when we were heading back from the Pavillions.

nsxtasy said:
I can understand your mixed feelings. But your friends are still your friends.

Hope you can make it to Vegas for NSXPO, I'd love to see you both again. Congrats on the pending new arrival too!

Thanks for the well wishes Ken! I haven't been on much recently and just saw that you're going to be selling yours too, so I know you can understand the decision. You're right though, we've made many friends in this terrific community. Some we've only known online here and many we've met like yourself at NSXPOs. I know you'll stay involved with the community but your ownership will be missed I'm sure.

ChopsJazz said:
Understudy, As I've said to many here, "you'll be back."

It just may take some time...

Time will tell I suppose. It may be awhile until we purchase another sports car with our family considerations, but I'm sure eventually it'll happen and there's a decent chance it will be another NSX. It is intriguing to experience another car too, but the NSX is special to both Heather and me.
Wow, so literally the day I move to Tucson my only local NSX contacts sell their car! :frown: I understand why, of course, but it's sad to see your car go.

Penny and I are renting down by Ina and Oracle as we search for a house to buy. Let me know if you guys want to meet up! Maybe I can let you borrow Samantha sometime if you want to get your NSX fix in. :smile:

Welcome to town Chuck and Penny! It was a pretty sudden sale and I was kind of in shock it happened. I even thought about telling the buyer we had reconsidered but once he booked the flight down of course we were committed and we know it's the right decision for us at the moment.

You guys are obviously not too far from us where you're renting. If you'd like any help with the house search let us know and Heather and/or I would gladly assist you. Let's absolutely get together for dinner soon once you get a bit settled. Heather only has about another month, so probably sooner than later would work best. Give me a call and let's set something up. You guys could come over or just meet up somewhere.

Thanks for the offer too, but that may be too tempting driving an NSX. I may have to ogle the car from time to time just to get my fix.
Sad to see you guys sell your car!!! Just because the car is gone, it doesn't mean you can just go on your merry way......... :biggrin:
We should get together during NSXPO!!! Remember last time??? :eek:








<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid15.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fa392%2F_ANYTIME_%2FNSX%2520Pics%2FNSXPOPics101.mp4">
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Sad to see you guys sell your car!!! Just because the car is gone, it doesn't mean you can just go on your merry way......... :biggrin:
We should get together during NSXPO!!! Remember last time??? :eek:

Those pictures bring back some good memories! That first night eating at Sapporo was definitely fun and it just continued throughout the event. If we make it to NSXPO this year we'll definitely catch up with you and Tina. I actually just ran across the picture you took of me in your driveway when I came by with our first red NSX from 2003. That seems like a long time ago now, but we've had a ton of fun since then with both the cars, including the Prime Canyon Drive.
Congrats on the sale of your car. I remember seeing it for sale for quite a while here on Prime. I always liked it and felt it was one of the best looking wide bodys I have seen.

I know the feeling when you part with your beloved NSX. It does leave an empty feeling in the garage.
Congrats on the sale of your car. I remember seeing it for sale for quite a while here on Prime. I always liked it and felt it was one of the best looking wide bodys I have seen.

I know the feeling when you part with your beloved NSX. It does leave an empty feeling in the garage.

That boat in the still water in your new avatar looks lonely D....
That boat in the still water in your new avatar looks lonely D....

Well Tim, My family is sure enjoying spending time together on the boat. With the NSX it was always a fight about who gets to go with me to the next car show or drive. Now everyone wins!

Sorry to the OP for going off topic.


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Those pictures bring back some good memories! That first night eating at Sapporo was definitely fun and it just continued throughout the event

Great times! I remember Heather kicking all our asses on Karting. I cant believe how young I look.:eek: Was that 2005?
Wow...sorry to hear you let your NSX go! :(

CalCoastal NSX Drive VII




NSXPO 2005


Was this your NSX at NSXPO 2003?
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Stephen, I remember chatting with you and Heather on here when you guys were first shopping for an NSX and dealing with that crazy seller in Mesa. The numerous drives, a couple of NSXPOs, and a great friendship has made for some pretty awesome memories over the years. I can relate to not being in a position to enjoy an NSX right now, as you have more important priorities to deal for the moment. Best of luck, and stay in touch. Hope to see you guys soon!
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Great times! I remember Heather kicking all our asses on Karting. I cant believe how young I look.:eek: Was that 2005?

Yeah that was a lot of fun, especially the karting. Heather did pretty darned well like she normally does although she did have somewhat of a home track advantage (well all the Phoenix/Tucson NSXers did). It's hard to imagine it was five years ago almost isn't it? I wish I could have made it to some other NSXPOs like you do every year. I've only been in '03 and '05 and Heather made it to '07 too. Still holding out hope for this year.
Wow...sorry to hear you let your NSX go! :(


Was this your NSX at NSXPO 2003?

Great shots as always Eric. We had a ton of fun on the CalCoastal drive and of course NSXPO '05 too. That last shot above from NSXPO '03 was actually Chris' car although we bought the body and many other parts directly from his car. We were at NSXPO '03 though with our '96 Red/Black and Heather spent a couple fun days at Sears Point/Infineon on the track.

Hopefully we'll be back to make more memories down the road at some point.
Stephen, I remember chatting with you and Heather on here when you guys were first shopping for an NSX and dealing with that crazy seller in Mesa. The numerous drives, a couple of NSXPOs, and a great friendship has made for some pretty awesome memories over the years. I can relate to not being in a position to enjoy an NSX right now, as you have more important priorities to deal for the moment. Best of luck, and stay in touch. Hope to see you guys soon!

Yep, I remember that, although I think he was actually in Fountain Hills. We've definitely had a great time hanging out with all the Phoenix crew and were fortunate to meet so many great people like yourself. We'll definitely try to stay in touch although the last couple years that seems more and more difficult with work and kids taking up time. We need to make a trip up there sometime soon and we'll all get together again.
We were at NSXPO '03 though with our '96 Red/Black and Heather spent a couple fun days at Sears Point/Infineon on the track.

Ah yes



(Valerie took these photos because I was driving during that same session)