Our little precious girl was born today. Happy Birthday Maya

23 November 2006
Austin, Texas...Ya'll
Monica and Maya are both doing really well. What an experience!

Happy New Years to everyone.



Congratulations. What a wondrful way to begin the New Year.:biggrin:
Congratulations! Kids are wonderful and you look incredibly happy.

Congrats again!
No way Jose! Congrats to you and Monica. I'm smiling ear to ear for you both. I can't wait to meet lil Maya!

I bet this is your best New Years ever! :biggrin:

God bless,
- Zishan
Congrats man...our first was born 11 months ago...time goes fast, before you know it they are walking around . On the good side is he is almost old enough to ride in the NSX :)
Thanks everyone. Monica and I are quite happy and what a blessing. It is so funny how I am becoming so attached to her.

Best wishes to everyone in 2009!

Congrats!!! Way to start off a New Year...We had our first son 5 months ago and its the best thing that ever happened to me.
Enjoy every second with that precious gift you recieved and God bless..
Congrats Jose!! I think of a certain The Police song when I see a baby girl... Any guesses anybody?
every thing she does is magic,magic ,magic wuuoh wuohh weohohoh ohh:wink:
Congrats Jose. Maya's a month old now, won't be long now and she'll be looking for the car keys LOL. Give my best to Monica also.

How about an update with pics! Once again, give my regards to Monica and Maya. :smile:

- Z