our friend's son made US math olympic team

It's about time that Mathletes get some recognition. I just hope he is not on steroids.

In that world, they need to test for nootropics... steroids for the brain. There are tons of them out there now and readily available. Keep your eye on the Russians and the Chinese.. they're known dopers;)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/43Wcbd0dJpQ&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/43Wcbd0dJpQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

World Chessboxing Championships, two things that go together like nuts and gum.
Didn't know there was a Math Olympics. Grats to the kid.
MIT/MIT/MIT/MIT/Harvard. Every day is a humbling experience. Nice.


World Chessboxing Championships, two things that go together like nuts and gum.

Sooner or later the mammilian brain will inform him that two other things that don't go together are math and girls. :biggrin: He'll be stuck with mathturbation.
Sooner or later the mammilian brain will inform him that two other things that don't go together are math and girls. :biggrin: He'll be stuck with mathturbation.

I had a similar experience in college being on the debate team where after four years I ended up becoming a masterdebater.
Thats Cool, Hopefully he will be some kind of scientist, chemist, engineer, etc. He could get a Job at JPL and help remotely pilot a robot on Mars or ???

The sky is no longer the limit :biggrin:
I love all the replys :)

The sad part is that they are true. However, the ironic part is after growing up where I won spelling bees in elementary school, chess tournaments in high school and debate tournaments in college (i.e. geek), I am now the cool one with my buddies' kids who think their ex-jock fathers are nerdy and I am cool because I have an NSX and track it.
Q) What do the popular kids call the nerds twenty years after high school???

I thought a Geek was a guy that bites the heads off of chickens at a carnival. :wink: Only 4 coupons...ha ha
I thought a Geek was a guy that bites the heads off of chickens at a carnival.

You win the kewpie doll. In addition to biting off chicken heads, carnival Geeks would also eat glass.

I guess I am better off putting myself in the nerd category in school since I am fine with the chicken heads but I have to draw the line at eating glass. That's gross..........
According to Encarta Dictionary...


1. offensive term An offensive term that deliberately insults somebody's physical appearance or social skills (slang insult)

2. single-minded enthusiasted Somebody who is considered to be excessively interested in a subject or activity that is regarded as too technical or scientific

  • drip
  • bore
  • geek


1. awkward person Somebody regarded as unattractive and socially awkward

2 obsessive computer user Somebody who is a proud or enthusiastic user of computers or other technology, sometimes to an excessive degree

3. outrageous carnival performer A carnival performer whose act consists of outrageous feats such as biting the heads off live animals

Not to be confused with a techie...


Sombody competent in technology Somebody who is interested in, adept at, or a student of a technology, especially one based on computing or electronics
Exhibit A, Math Questions for 2008 Olympics

Exhibit B, Solutions for said questions

Conclusion: This is one smart kid-- I hope he procreates someday.

Easy... kidding, though if I could get some time with my Math High School teacher, could probably work some out.

I had a friend in HS that made I think, back then the National Math Team.. don't know if it was Olympian. Anyway, he scored 1600 later on the SATs. What's even more trippy is that I heard a 8 or 9 year old locally score that just recently...