Our allies: Great Britain, Canada and Australia


27 May 2002
In the South
Even as I enjoy what i have here: family, friends and NSX, I still watch things develop all over the world as it one day might be a bigger concern for me as i am a server of this country. As I see the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan develop, I was just wondering that how come our steadfast allies in these conflicts are the same ones that we always have had; the same English speaking countries that grew out of Great Britain's old colonies.

Now don't get me wrong, we have other support, too, like that of Poland, Dutch, Italy, Netherland..., but really no other large and influential countries mixing it in with us instead of the countries I mentioned. They stand with us and they have suffered for it, look at what happened to the British and Italian recently. My question is: "Is there a connection for the four countries that i mentioned because of a common English background?"

Take care,
I know, but they do in Afghanistan, and they don't bluntly disagree with us like the French and German in Iraq (Their forces are far smaller than ours and already stretching too thin.) One of their unit is close to one of the U.S'. infantry unit over there. Hell, one of their unit was bombed by us by mistake. I have no doubts that if shit really hit the fan, Canada will be there with us.

That being said, I was just wondering if some of the leaders of the other non-Englich speaking countries afraid of seeing an even more powerful United States?
I live in Canada and if you look at our military you would think that it is a joke...

We have very little in terms of new weaponary..no navy..no up to the date air..

Our troops have been reduced to peace keepers because that is all we can do...

Canada and the States share too much for Canada to side with anyone else...
When Southern California was burning last month, I heard that we had fire contingences from Australia, Canada and Mexico here on hands to help us. That was an awesome thing to do.
a humorous, if small-minded answer would be: ALL THE COOL COUNTRIES STICK TOGETHER! :D

It's just like at school; all the cool guys chill together ... all the whiners stick together ... and all the geeks stay in doors. :D
Re: Canadian-American relations, our despot of a Prime Minister decimated Canada-US relations by putting his foot in his mouth every chance he got. Thank God he is FINALLY stepping down to allow a more respectable individual, Paul Martin, to take the helm. I'm embarrassed and ashamed to have had Chretien representing Canada for the past few years. Realize there are many Canadians who do not share his views.

While there aspects of the Iraq war that I did question (as have many Americans), the fact remains that the US is our closest ally and trading partner and we have a responsibility and obligation to support them when we can.
You mean like this?

CokerRat said:
Re: Canadian-American relations, our despot of a Prime Minister decimated Canada-US relations by putting his foot in his mouth every chance he got.

"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." Jean Chretien speaking on Iraq
gheba_nsx said:
Speaking about you commonwealth countries Neo... sorry for last night. I was for Australia, too bad England won the world cup... :(

LOL... no worries... i didn't watch any of it.
why watch sport when there's NSXprime? ;)

oh no... plz don't mention the "I" word here (iraq)... we don't want another loooooooooooooooooooooong debate!