OTC 2004 - Event News

19 April 2001
SanDiego CA
The first info about the 2004 OTC is out. This year it looks as if it will drop to 5 tracks in 5 days. Each day there will be time trials (3 or 4 sessions) for both touring and unlimited as in years past. However, new this year will be a race group. This group will run a practice, qualifing and race session. Sounds exciting!

We're building a killer car now, it should be ready for Expo.
If you want to find out more check out the links below or see me at Expo in Oct. It would be fun to have a few more Xs entered or helping in the pits ;)



  • wayne.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 116
Makes me want to either:

*move out to Cali, just so me and a few buddies could enter this event.
*move out to Cali so that at the very least I could help you guys out as a pit crew member (I could sabotage that 911 that was chasing you last year).
*start my own OTC for the Midwest.

I'm not even gonna ask about the car, cuz I'm sure it's TOP SECRET. ;) Kick ass Seabass!