OT : WTC statue petition (to show it how it was)

10 April 2001
Austin, TX
Had a friend forward this on to me; I would really appreciate it if anyone on this board that believes that the WTC statue of the fireman raising the flag should look how the event actually happened (as per the photo), instead of the current plan which is a racially diverse version (the original was three white males, I believe the current "wisdom" is to put 1 white, 1 black, and 1 hispanic), please goto this online petition and register.

Not trying to start a flame war or seem insensitive, but re-writing history to serve some politically correct agenda is not my idea of a good time.

Thank you.
What else will the public "fuss" about next??
Ridiculous. :(
I wonder if Steven Speilberg will be the 1st to make the movie.Probably "but" there would be too much controversey(can't spell)over it if he did it now .It's still sting's in everyone's hearts too much.
And when the hell are they gonna get Osama..is there any progress ??
Do they even know where he's at yet?
Please update me.
