Original 1991 owners

10 February 2004
Nor Cal
I’m curious to know if there are any prime members who purchased their NSX new in 1991 and still enjoy it today?
I know of one near me who has his yet, he's on the board periodically.
Still has under 30,000 miles though if I remember correctly. :(
vintagecarman said:
I’m curious to know if there are any prime members who purchased their NSX new in 1991 and still enjoy it today?
Well, if you want to include someone who purchased his NSX new in 1990 and still enjoys it today, I'm in...
nsxtasy said:
Well, if you want to include someone who purchased his NSX new in 1990 and still enjoys it today, I'm in...

Been saving this smiley for you Ken! :D

<IMG SRC=http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=298354">

I am fascinated by the 1st year the NSX was available. My Understanding is the NSX had a MSRP of $65K and dealers were obtaining up to 10K over sticker. Could you by one for sticker; was there a waiting list? It would seem that very few members have kept their 91’s. How Many members purchased a 1991 off the showroom floor?

NSXTASY, you’re the man! How many miles do you have on your car? Have you ever come close to selling it to buy a later model?
When the NSX was first introduced, they were selling for well beyond $10K over sticker. I saw ads in AutoWeek and other car magazines listing them from $90K-$120K and I believe they were selling. It was the hottest, most innovative, high tech sports car on the planet.

Even though I'm the third owner of my '91 (bought it in '97), I was told by the second owner that the first owner bought the car new for well over $100K. Wow!
Hard to believe

I’m dumbfounded an NSX that sold for up to $100k can now be acquired for a quarter of the original selling price. I guess the same holds true for high-end luxury auto’s like the 500SL and the 750 BMW however, they we mass-produced and the NSX is a hand build exotic.

I purchased my 1st NSX in 1999 for $26K. I couldn’t believe I was getting such an awesome sports car for the price of a new Accord? It had 60k, full maintenance receipts and no wrecks.
vintagecarman said:
My Understanding is the NSX had a MSRP of $65K and dealers were obtaining up to 10K over sticker. Could you by one for sticker; was there a waiting list?
Vytas's figures are correct. Most dealers had waiting lists when the car was introduced in late summer 1990. The cars were easier to find and waiting lists were rare by spring/summer 1991.

vintagecarman said:
How Many members purchased a 1991 off the showroom floor?
So far, one.

vintagecarman said:
How many miles do you have on your car?
I have around 54,000 miles on mine, including almost 9K actual track miles.

vintagecarman said:
Have you ever come close to selling it to buy a later model?
No. (That doesn't mean I wouldn't want a newer model, only that I wouldn't want to pay to trade up for one.)
I too am an original 1991 owner purchased brand spankin' new (actually bought Sept 1990). Vin number...000365.

Still have it! But don't drive it enough whatsoever. Wonderful car overall.

A few stories from the past:

Back then you had to put down a $10K deposit to get "in line". They would refund the money if you chose not to buy the car. No one would give you a firm price however. It was supposed to be in the $55K range.

I LUSTED after it for almost a year on the waiting list. There were 3 local dealers and I finally heard one of them was getting their first car so I rushed down hoping to catch a glimpse. When I got there they were taking it off the transporter. In horror I watched as two of the dealer employees absolutely tore through the parking lot with it even with all the plastic still around the fenders and on the wheels, seats, etc. Unbelievable! I was glad this wasn't the dealer I had my deposit with!

On my way home I got the call -- I was next in line to buy the first NSX from the dealership that had my deposit! The guy in front of me didn't want a red one, so he passed. They told me on the phone I could have it for $95K. $95K!??? I was totally depressed. After all this time I had to sit and watch as these car dealer bums were price gouging the heck out the the car. I hated them. So (almost in tears) I told them "where to stick it". I can't describe how hurt I was. How completely demorilizing it was. I had spent the previous year and a half of my life reading about and searching for and viewing the NSX as it made its way into production and to have my dream squashed by some slime-ball dealer was just too much.

So on my way home I had to pass by the 3rd local dealership and decided to stop in and see if they had received theirs yet. I had to see it one last time. I walked into the showroom and there it was, another red one. My heart sprang to life again, even though I had passed-up my turn a few minutes before at the other dealer. So what must have been the youngest, just-hired yesterday salesboy came up to me, and I looked at him and asked if the car was taken. To my shock he said no, the guy who was first in line wanted a black one. In a moment of pure adrenaline, I said "I'll take it." But I hadn't even looked at the price yet! So he (now in shock!) walks away to get the paperwork started and I (now feeling really stupid) decided to check out the sticker. $99K! I just added another $4K to the already ridiculous price! Didn't matter. This car had taken over my life. I couldn't live without it. It's as simple as that. I knowingly paid WAY too much but haven't had ONE minute of remorse.

As I heard more and more about the first batch of cars sold locally, I know there were two others that sold for $105K and one for $110K. If you had to have one of the first, you had to pay. But heck, it's only money!

I could go on and on but this is already too long. More stories later.

--- Why didn't you go back and buy the $95K one? just wondering ---

Well, remember, I had just told them "where to stick it". And even though it cost me $4K more, I didn't want to give them the business. Yeah I know, not logical, purely emotional.
Mark Galarneau said:
I too am an original 1991 owner purchased brand spankin' new (actually bought Sept 1990). Vin number...000365.

Still have it! But don't drive it enough whatsoever. Wonderful car overall.

A few stories from the past:

Back then you had to put down a $10K deposit to get "in line". They would refund the money if you chose not to buy the car. No one would give you a firm price however. It was supposed to be in the $55K range.

I LUSTED after it for almost a year on the waiting list. There were 3 local dealers and I finally heard one of them was getting their first car so I rushed down hoping to catch a glimpse. When I got there they were taking it off the transporter. In horror I watched as two of the dealer employees absolutely tore through the parking lot with it even with all the plastic still around the fenders and on the wheels, seats, etc. Unbelievable! I was glad this wasn't the dealer I had my deposit with!

On my way home I got the call -- I was next in line to buy the first NSX from the dealership that had my deposit! The guy in front of me didn't want a red one, so he passed. They told me on the phone I could have it for $95K. $95K!??? I was totally depressed. After all this time I had to sit and watch as these car dealer bums were price gouging the heck out the the car. I hated them. So (almost in tears) I told them "where to stick it". I can't describe how hurt I was. How completely demorilizing it was. I had spent the previous year and a half of my life reading about and searching for and viewing the NSX as it made its way into production and to have my dream squashed by some slime-ball dealer was just too much.

So on my way home I had to pass by the 3rd local dealership and decided to stop in and see if they had received theirs yet. I had to see it one last time. I walked into the showroom and there it was, another red one. My heart sprang to life again, even though I had passed-up my turn a few minutes before at the other dealer. So what must have been the youngest, just-hired yesterday salesboy came up to me, and I looked at him and asked if the car was taken. To my shock he said no, the guy who was first in line wanted a black one. In a moment of pure adrenaline, I said "I'll take it." But I hadn't even looked at the price yet! So he (now in shock!) walks away to get the paperwork started and I (now feeling really stupid) decided to check out the sticker. $99K! I just added another $4K to the already ridiculous price! Didn't matter. This car had taken over my life. I couldn't live without it. It's as simple as that. I knowingly paid WAY too much but haven't had ONE minute of remorse.

As I heard more and more about the first batch of cars sold locally, I know there were two others that sold for $105K and one for $110K. If you had to have one of the first, you had to pay. But heck, it's only money!

I could go on and on but this is already too long. More stories later.

That was a cool story!! wow!! Thanks for sharing Mark.
Mark Galarneau said:
Oooops, I must be getting old. My vin number is ...000345!


Humm! Mine is 000316.

Bought it from a Honda dealer owner who apparently was the first to get it in Canada?????????

B.S. or truth?

BTW Mark, I enjoyed a lot to read your storie. This is a wonderful love story where emotion wins over money.

Congrats ! Those crazy moves are what makes life this special and so thrilling!

You purchased your NSX at the best moment when everybody were praising and wanting it!
effer said:
Mine is 000316.

Bought it from a Honda dealer owner who apparently was the first to get it in Canada?????????

B.S. or truth?
Sounds like B.S. to me. The first to get one in Canada would almost certainly have gotten a Canadian market car, whose VIN would be in the format 800xxx. And VIN 800316 would be at the tail end of the 1991 model year production.
Although I'm the second owner of my beloved Sebring Silver, but since the topic of discussion is on initial purchase price back in 91, here is what I found out.

I saw the original receipt of my car from Glendale Acura (No longer there). The original owner paid either $5400 or $5600 out the door in Jun 1991. I wanted to get the receipt from him when I picked up the car but he refused. Then he said he'll fax me a copy but he never did. :(

He said the dealer was trying make him a deal to get ride of the car. I was shock to see that he paid below sticker price for it. I guess back then, silver was not as popular (Discontinued after 93) and it was towards the end of the production year. Like Vytas said, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a well cared for Sebring Silver with its low production #. It is a keeper!

Mark, that was a great story. I was feeling your roller coaster ride.
nsxtasy said:
Sounds like B.S. to me. ... And VIN 800316 would be at the tail end of the 1991 model year production.

This is what I was also thinking.

Hopefully I didn't buy the car for this reason! :D

nsxtasy said:
The first to get one in Canada would almost certainly have gotten a Canadian market car, whose VIN would be in the format 800xxx.

Oups! You're right! It is 800316 indeed! Sorry!

I bought the car with only 11K km ( under 7K miles ) on the odometer in summer 1999.

The nicest 1991 model for sale I saw then.
You can also check the date of manufacture, which is on the sticker on the driver's side door jamb. Since the first cars were on sale around September 1, 1990 (in Canada as well as the States), they would have been manufactured in July 1990, give or take a month.

Based on your VIN, I'm guessing your car was probably manufactured in Spring 1991.
Excellent Insight


Thanks for sharing your NSX buying experience it was much appreciated! I recall seeing the NSX for the 1st time on the showroom floor in the early 90’s, “thinking” what an inconceivable automobile Acura built. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to buy one off the floor, thanks to your superb story I now have an idea. It’s been fourteen years since the NSX has hit the road and we are all still fielding questions at the gas stations, grocery stores, etc.

What did you experience owning one of the 1st NSX sold? You must have been bombarded every where you went? Do share.
Well believe it or not, my purchasing experience was just beginning (ugh!).

So the punk salesboy (as opposed to "salesMAN") took me over to his low-man-on-the-pole type desk. You've seen the type -- the small, portable desk that's in the corner of the room as if it was just placed there a few minutes before.

We sit down and he's trying to act as if this is no big deal, he can handle everything. But at that time, it WAS a BIG deal. This was by far the most expensive vehicle ever to appear in an Acura showroom. And the media hype on this car has been incredible for over a year. And this was the very FIRST NSX they had ever sold!

I start the paperwork and after only a minute or two, he says he needs to talk to his manager. He apologizes and says he'll be right back. So I'm sitting there (still in an emotional state of shock) for at least 5 minutes. He finally returns and has an embarrassed look on his face and begins to ask me how much money I was going to put down and what type of loan, etc., etc. and I start to feel something's not quite right. So I answer all his questions and look over to my right and see this 50ish, typical pudgy, been-around-for-a-looooonng time salesman in his cubicle, staring at me with a look of skepticism, like there was no way I could afford to buy this car.

I remember thinking how weird that was. I mean, I could understand that maybe I didn't look like the "high-roller" type, but heck, I was there with checkbook in hand, ready to buy.

So after what now might have been at least half an hour, the salesboy leaves again and I see him talking to the pudgy guy. They both walk over and the pudgy guy says he's the sales manager and before we go any further (and sorry, but this is where my memory of the details fails me), he needs to confirm my credit status, bank account, etc,. etc.)!!????? What?!

I couldn't believe this whole ordeal! I just wanted to buy my dream car, that's all! Why was this so hard! Well that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Even though I was about to fly into a rage, I composed myself and sat back in my chair, looked the sales manager right in the eyes and said, "You know, I've been dreaming about this car for almost two years. This should be the happiest day of my life right now, and you're making it one of the worst. I came into this dealership on my own, am willing to pay the full sticker price which is double what the car should sell for, and you didn't have to do one damn thing. If you don't want to sell me the car, I'll leave now."

How things changed at that point!

But now comes the part that says more about car dealers than anything -- after all the papers were signed and after all the grief they gave me, the sales manager comes over with a sheepish look and asks me if I wouldn't mind leaving the car there for a week or so, so that people could see it up close since they probably wouldn't get another one for a few months. What?!!! These guys have no shame! But remember, back then you couldn't test drive the car, you couldn't even touch it. Honest. They had the car roped-off with red velvet ropes and chrome stands. It was the star attraction. And obviously, drawing a lot of people into the dealership.

Well I was so amazed he would even ask me this, I agreed. But not for his sake. It was for the sake of all the people who really wanted to see the car up close and might not have a chance to. So every day I would "check-up" on my baby. I would stand off to the side and watch as person after person, men, women and children were absolutely fascinated by the NSX.

The day before I was to pick it up, I went into the dealer and as I was standing by the car, still not believing it was mine, heard someone say they wish they could get a better look at the interior. So I thought, why not, and walked up to the ropes, pushed them aside a bit and started to open the door. Well some sales guy comes running over all pissed-off and says "Get away from that car!". I turn around and look at him and very nicely say "But, I own it." That felt sooooo good!!!

The next day I come to pick up the car and there's probably twenty people from the dealer, including the REGIONAL sales manager. They open a bottle of champagne for me to celebrate, take some pictures, and show me all the details of the car. Wow, a really special send-off all because of this very SPECIAL car. It was finally mine. Yeah baby!

Once again, sorry for the long-winded story. But you asked me to share! One last story to come (when I get a chance) regarding reaction to having one of the first NSXs on the road.

great stories!

I was in college when the NSX debuted and knew from my car mags that some dealerships would soon have one. There was an Acura dealership in our college town (Salisbury, MD) and I was there the day after they got theirs. Here's the funny part: a salesman asked me to leave b/c I wouldn't get off of the floor. I was laying next to, under and all around the car for close to an hour ooohhing and ahhhing over all the details, especially the aluminum suspension bits!
nsxtasy said:
You can also check the date of manufacture, which is on the sticker on the driver's side door jamb.


Based on your VIN, I'm guessing your car was probably manufactured in Spring 1991.

Thanks Ken!

I'll check it and tell you.

Oh! BTW. Mark wrote and wonderful story. What happenned to you?

Naive question:

Dealers aren't supposed to respect MSRP?
effer said:
Naive question:

Dealers aren't supposed to respect MSRP?
No. Some do, some don't. When a car is in high demand, dealers can ask however much they want, and get it.
I'm loving this thread...anyone else have ownership stories from the beginning of the NSX era?

I was fresh out of high school when I first spotted an NSX in the wild, but had been dreaming about NSXs since seeing concept sketches in car mags. If I had the means back then, I would definitely have been one of the first to own one...